Griffin has a sinus infection and strep throat. Darwin has a HUGE sinus infection. I have a sinus infection and walking pneumonia.
The doctor wrote out 94 prescriptions for me to get filled. And really, I hate getting antibiotics. I think they are evil. Of course, being allergic to them doesn't help at all.
I am allergic to over a dozen antibiotics -- no kidding. And not, oh, they make me puke. Oh no -- that's not allergic. I'm allergic. As in, get me another epipen, stock up on benadryl and program 911 into the telephone. I get hives! And I can't breathe! And it's SO! MUCH! FUN!
The doctor gave me a prescription that he claims I can take -- we'll see. My face is already getting hot. And, it has the sunlight warning on the label. The last time I took a pill with a sunlight warning, I had a rash for six months and I burned when I was outside for more than 2.3 seconds. And internet? I do not burn, thanks to the native Hawaiian in me. Fucking antibiotics.
And to make my situation all the more better, I find mouse droppings (ewww! -- I miss having cats!) in the house this morning. AND? AND? AND? This started up last night...

Great. A leaky toilet. Thanks, Universe. That's just what I need right now. Thanks so much. I really appreciate it.
You want I should loan you my very handy husband to come re-pack that leaky shut-off valve?!
Ugh- I hope your antibiotics are working and not hurting you. I'm sensitive to almost every allergy drug I take - keeps me up all night or knocks me out all day. Fortunately, I'm okay with antibiotics. Get better - all of you, okay? Then when hubby gets back he'll think you were overexaggerating. HA! Just kidding. :o)
Oh wait a minute - is he already home? I can't remember.
Poor poor you! I am so sorry for you. I hope the meds. do good things and not any of the bad things. I hate taking meds too. I am still "breaking" but I had to send you a get better slap and tickle...oh, I mean HUG! A hug. Laughter is the best medicine? Did that make you at least chuckle? 8-)
You poor thing. It's always worse when you are ill as the same time as the children.
Sending you GET BETTER vibes!
Ugh, I feel for you! I had a day like yours on Monday. I hope everyone recovers super quickly and that you can actually take the meds w/o reactions including rashes.
I do hope you get better soon. I'm so sorry that things keep popping up.
I'm all "do no harm", but the only way we've been able to keep mice at bay around here are snap traps. I recommend the "D-C0N" Ultra Set Covered Mouse Trap using peanut butter. It can be reused or thrown out - you can also release the mouse without having to look at the poor thing (one of the things I like).
As for your plumbing issue - is that leaking from the water shut-off valve?
Dawn -- Aaron's in charge of the mice, but I buy those snap traps and he uses peanut butter. He just needs to get back in town to do it. We also bought some of those sonic wave things last year (oh, it was horrible last year -- killing about three mice a day for weeks on end), and this is the first time I've seen any evidence of them since. And I haven't heard any (they like to live in our drop ceiling in the basement, which is SO LOVELY when I'm in the office working on the internet and I hear SCURRYING ABOVE MY HEAD).
And the water leak isn't on the shut off valve, its on the rubber washer that hooks up the bottom of the tank to the water line. Yes, I could turn it off because we only use that toliet about twice a day (it's upstairs with the two bedrooms), but I'm L A Z Y and sick, so I'll make Aaron fix that when he gets home too.
He is SUPPOSE to come home tomorrow evening. As usual, we'll believe it when we see it.
Jeez. Rough patch, I guess. I hope the new drugs do what they should and you are all on the road to reocvery with no more complications!
It must be your turn for the full moon to pick on you. I will go outside and do my wild woman stop the crap moon ddance for you. ;-) Seriously - I hope you can take something...sinus infections SUCK. They are even more fun when they turn into ear infections. Oh yippee skippee. And mice to top it all off. eeeewwwwwww.
Sorry to hear you're so sick. I hope the medicine makes things better! You're long overdue for some good health!
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