He came home from work last Tuesday, saying he was getting sent out on a one day job. He was suppose to be home Friday at the latest. And it's Tuesday. And. He's. Not. Home.
Anyway, Saturday was the first day of the Farmers' Market being open. Since I'm stupid, I took the boys...

They love flowers.

And more flowers...

Mmmm... asparagus....

Geraniums (I need to get some, but it's still a little early)...

... and more flowers.
Since Aaron didn't come home, I decided to take some aggression out on this yesterday:

Over the past four years, the garden has gotten Out. Of. Con. Trol. I blame this on breastfeeding, pregnancy and postpartum depression. Of course, Aaron could have picken up some slack, but we won't discuss that.

Speaking of aggressions, I've had to pull out the fox piss because the damn chipmunks keep digging up my pansies and I'm tired of constantly replanting the damn things.

What? You don't believe me? I totally rock the fox piss...

For the people in the back...

If I didn't use the fox piss, there's no way I would have been able to naturalize my tulips...

And now, more gratuitous gardening photos (to lighten your spirits after listening to me bitch)...

Wild Violets

No clue -- some pretty viney thing that actually doesn't attach itself to the house

Pussy Willow

The Best Smelling Bush Ever (I got its name, but lost it -- I'll get it again at the garden center)

Lungwort. Also known as Pulmonaria.
Is the best smelling bush a honeysuckle??
I can't get over how big Darwin is, b/c you know how they freeze in time when we stop seeing them. And still, Griffin looks just like you and Dar is spitting image of Aaron.
"for the people in the back". You are a trip. I think I'm gonna go stalk whatever blogs you go to just so I can read your funny writing.
Your boys are so cute! And awww smelling the flowers. Your yard looks better than our sad plot does right now.
Shall we send out a missing persons report for absentee Aaron? Is he supposed to be coming home anytime this month? Gotta get that boy a new job!
Viburnum. It is a Judai Viburnum. (no clue on the spelling) My mom has a huge one in her yard, and we planted a tiny one last year. It is THE BEST smelling bush, you're right!
Your pictures made me smile! Absentee Dad-ism also gets our household on a regular basis - bummer.
The 'viney thing' is a vinca, commonly known as periwinkle. I have the variegated sort which is less pretty and a bit of a thug. But hey, at least it's indestructible so no chipmunk problems!
I thought the purple viney thing was a vinca, but I wasn't sure. Thanks!
And thanks to you too, Alicia!
Your blog is totally cute.
I couldn't leave a message, though, so I'm hoping you pick it up here!
Ok.. I should read backwards to find out if you got the washer and dryer... cute cute boys ! Love flowers that smell good !
No, not yet.
The washer and dryer delivery got deterred by Aaron's erratic travelling scheduale.
Supposedly, they'll be delivered Thursday. Yeah, we'll see about that.
So many thoughts....
--Pretty, pretty flowers.
--Do the boys REALLY like asparagus?
--Why do you get mad at the chipmunks for digging up the pansies? Even though they're a little "girly," I don't think you should be burying them in the garden!!! Geez.
--Fox Piss kills the Easter Bunny.
--I miss Aaron and I don't even know the man!!!
Tom -- yes, both boys will eat asparagus. But they eat it best if it has been roasted or grilled. They don't like it so much if it's steamed.
OK. I hate greenthumbs. Because I could kill a cactus. OK, it's less hate and more extreme jealousy. Pathetic really. And I had no idea fox piss was sold, in a can. LOL. Thanks for the enlightening post! Your flowers are lovely!
fox piss in a can, that is too funny, who knew? My garden is worse. My sweet dog digs it up. I wonder if fox piss will work on her?
Your boys are so adorable!
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