The time change is seriously kicking my ass y'all. Seriously.
And could someone
please explain to me how the Energy Policy Act of 2005 (where it was decided that we would change our clocks in early March instead of early April, and back again in early November instead of mid October in the autumn)
really benefits us in conserving energy? Because really, all it is doing is Kicking My Ass.
You know what else is kicking my ass?
Wordpress is totally kicking my ass.
I've spent over 20 hours this weekend working on
my recipe site and honestly? You cannot tell a difference. Oh, stuff is in there (no new recipes though) but I can't figure the shit out.
Back in the late 90s I knew all sorts of code, I built all kinds of different websites. Now I don't know jack and apparently I don't have the patience to sit down and read, read, read. Well, I'm sure I actually
have the patience, just not the uninterrupted time to do so. Grrrrrr...
(Anyone have some easy-peasey tips for me? Anyone?)
Another ass-kicker (yes! another one!) -- I cannot find a place to order my
curtain fabric. It is the
Windham Vintage Euro Nursery Garden. Gah. Help me! Help me! (I keep spelling "hemp me! hemp me!" Do you think that means something?)
Aside from all the ass-kicking the Universe has bestowed upon me this weekend, we actually did have a fairly productive weekend.
If you count the greenhouse still standing "fairly productive."
Saturday the whole family spent the day outside. The boys played, Aaron worked on clearing out the dilapidated shed (yes, because
everything in our yard that is not nature can be classified as "dilapidated") and I worked on the garden.
While clearing out the shed, which has broken doors and hasn't been opened for about six years, Aaron found a mama mouse and five baby mice.
Aaron freaked, Griffin freaked and Darwin was oblivious. The mama mouse ran off with one baby attached to her and abandoned the other four. We managed to find three of them and (using gloves) put them in a saucer so we could catch the mama.
Aaron wanted to kill them all, which I talked him out of (proud of me Kim?) since they were not in the house. I told Aaron we could just relocate them.
When we went to catch the mama and the last baby, the mama ran off abandoning that babe too.

The poor babies couldn't walk or open their eyes. They breathed really heavily and squeaked, hoping their mom would find them.
Griffin found the whole thing to be Very Traumatic. At first, he wanted us to keep the mama and all the babes as pets and was
very upset that we said no. Then he was beside himself with worry that the mama abandoned her babies and never returned for them (we even saw where she scurried off to and placed the babies over in her area).
He was just beside himself with
she's not a good mama and
you'd never abandon me and Darwin and
you're a good mommy, Mommy and
why isn't she taking care of her babies Mommy? and
you always take care of your babies Mommy.
This turned out the be The Topic Of Conversation All Weekend. Griffin just could not wrap his mind around the mama mouse leaving her babies. By Sunday morning the babies were still abandoned, but we didn't tell Griffin. ::sigh:: How do you explain such a thing to a child? That a mom was willing to abandon her babes?
In any case, the babes are there anymore (we have at least five neighborhood cats), all the pottery is out of greenhouse and into the shed and it was a very eventful, productive weekend.
And it is still kicking my ass.