Hey, remember when I planted 200 zinnia seeds on the side bed of my house?
Wanna see what it looks like now?

Hey! Where's my fucking zinnias? Oh, wait... one... two... three... THREE?! Three? That's all I got? Three motherfucking zinnias and an assload of weedy grass?
Well, let's see the back garden where I planted 150 zinnia seeds back there...

What. The. Fuck? None? Zero? Zilch.
I guess I shouldn't complain as much, since I don't have to weed it either. But holy shit, this sucks some major donkey balls.
"Hey, Mommy?"
"Yes, Griffin?"
"Daddy is the Golden Parent.... and you're the Mud Parent."
When Aaron was on his big ass three week business trip, I made him go to the Lego store. Yes,
made him. Everyday I was hounding him, "Did you go today? Why didn't you go today? You're not coming home without Legos and
no, Legos from any old store
will not do."
So, on the day before coming home he finally went to the Lego store to get us presents.
For the boys...

... an airplane (six dollars! SIX DOLLARS!) and a dragon (a buck fiftty! ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS!).
And for me...

... a magnetic notepad, Lego magnets and two pull-them-apart-tools (to help you pull stuck tiny Legos apart).
I have been diligently working on hand-quilting my pillow top. I now totally understand why the people at the quilt store freaked out. It is taking
forever. But I am really enjoying it, even though I'm not making as much progress as I'd like.
Turns out I don't sit on my ass all that much anymore.

It took a while to figure out stitching technique, so there's a wide variety of stitch lengths and what-not.

But I finally found my groove.
I seriously doubt that I'm even half-way done with my quilting. Gah. I really thought this would be an easy-peasy project.