NO. He giggles instead.
And then you're forced to clean up piddles all over the floor and then people wonder why you don't have a dog and you're wondering why in the fuck you haven't pulled up all the carpet already to expose hardwood floors because in situations such as these, who really gives a fuck if the hardwoods aren't perfect? They are hardwood floors and not piddled-stained carpet that requires foamy chemicals to get clean instead of a damn damp cloth.
::clearing throat::
Anyway. Yesterday I decided I had to do something. You know what something is, right? That feeling of making something that is nearly instantaneous but functional and pretty because there's got to be something good in this miserable life of having your home smell like poo.
Right? Right.
So I got out my hot glue gun (actually, I had to buy a new one because I couldn't find my other ones; I swear, my house feeds on hot glue guns) and some magnets and dumped out my jar of miscellaneous buttons.

Whew. Isn't that better?
I mean, it's not as great as not wiping a poopy butt 83 times in a day but hey, it's something, right?
oooo, pretty.
and totally makes the poo bearable. (At least I hope so :)
HA HA HA, I would totally do something like that...I agree soooo pretty and the hot glue smells blocks the poo smell right?
Cool buttons. Even better than poop!
Oh yes...when life hands you poo...fling it and make some magnets instead (words to live by...and much prettier than stained carpet)
that is exactly why i craft.
cheaper than therapy. and occasionally you come out with a quick 'something' that just makes you feel better.
cute magnets.
god, I can't wait until I no longer have to deal with poopy butts.
When exactly do we quit dealing with poop? I mean, even after potty trainning they want to announce when they go. They want you to come see it in the toilet. They think they didn't wipe well enough. When? Eight? Ten? Seventeen?
Funny, I am getting irritated with my four year old today, so I spray painted a mirror and varnished a table top. Much better.
So much nicer than poo - we're all agreed.
And wood floors may be easy to mop up, but you still can't get rid of the pong...
Oh, yes. Rip up that carpet. Because if is isn't poo, it is throwing up red jello. That makes nice stains on the carpet too. Trust me.
And no, you can't have too many glue guns - or too much ribbon. ;)
fabulous button magnets. poo? not so fabulous.
If only the president would stop and be crafty before he made all of those important national decisions.
I've been there with ya girl on the poop and various forms the poop takes on. In the end, it is the same sh*t over and over.
Cute button magnets. Crafting is my Crack. Gives me a 'fix' when I need it most.
Funny but gross. The button magnets are cute! They would be quite popular with the under-3 crowd around here.
Ooh. Pretty, pretty button magnets. And very functional, too.
So sorry your little man is sick. I've been working on Joe to pull up our carpet and put down new hardwood (over the old, original hardwood) for similar reasons. It's just hard to believe that carpet can turn so nasty in only 6 years. Then again, there are 6 kids in this house. 7 if you include Joe.
you know? It's the simplist crafty things that are my favorite. Those are so so cute! I must make some too.
how cute!!
you could have glued a pretty button on a cork and...
well, you know where I'm going with this one right?
Two birds with one stone... so to speak...
Those are some pretty nice button magnets. But they're no poo. :)
Great idea!
Just remember that you wouldn't have made these without the poopy bums!!
RIP UP THAT CARPET!!!!! You will never regret it.
Cute button magnets. Very cute :)
what an awesome way to deal with the poo. some take lemons and make lemonade. you take a day filled with shit and turn it into rockin magnets. you go!
I love the button-magnets. Here's the deal; I'll send you my address and you send the magnets. How's that?
LOL...sorry about the poo explosion. pretty magnets tho.
The smell of poo makes me want to craft, too. Granted, it's dog poo and it's outside, but countering something nasty with something pretty brings my world back into balance, to be sure.
Good luck with the poo wars. Be brave.
We call it a "Code 13" when the poop actually escapes from the diaper. There's some universality of understanding. People just KNOW what you're talking about.
omg the cuteness!!!!!!
*runs screaming for glue gun*
Oh boy! Poop is not fun. Love the magnets!
Oh, I have got to copy you! Those are so damn cute!!
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