Thursday, April 27, 2006

Can't Blog - - Weeding

Damn you, Blogger, for not uploading these in the proper order. You really are an abusive bastard, aren't you?


Joanna said...

Oh, I know all about blogger and how irritating it can be with pictures!! GRRRRR. Your garden looks beautiful.

Anonymous said...

funny title for "no" post. but I do not think they're song lyrics missy. Well, yet anyway. Give me a few minutes and I'll make it one. gonna make it alternative/punk/country...
"OHhhhhhh the weeds are so long they tickle me under my blouse, the blog's sitting idly inside my house. I'm sorry my friends I've got more important things to dooooooo than type out those funny words just for Youuuuuuuu.
Chorus: Can't blog I'm weeding.
I said, " I can't blog, I'm weeding"
Stop checking bloglines because I said I can't #&*! blog, I'm #$%* weeding! (that was the punk/alternative part for ya)
Huh? I've got more...don't think I won't type 'em...I'll DO IT! I WILL!

Ali said...

Love your garden gatey trellisy thingummy. Also love the way a good plant closeup turns your outdoors into something from 'Gardens Illustrated'.

Anonymous said...

oooooooh - I am so jealous of your green thumb. Hell, you have more than a thumb - you have a green BODY. I, on the other hand, could kill a cactus. It's pathetic really. Sad. Even my fake plants look pitiful, all covered in dust bunnies... But I digress...

diana said...

gonna start calling you MARTHA...
lets see writing a cookbook, sewing tutorials, gardening.... uh oh... dont delete me capello !! I wont call you
Martha again !!!

Mia said...

Yeah, blogger needs some serious intervention *grin*

Unknown said...
