Amy tagged for a 10 Simple Pleasures Meme. So, here you go....

1. Going to the Farmers' Market on the weekends.

2. Evidence on my shoe that spring
is here.

3. Griffin's devil faces.

4. Blooming lilly of the valley. They smell heavenly.

5. Lots of lilly of the valley flowers in a bud vase for my aunt (who had a mastectomy Friday and came out of the surgery fine).

6. Smashing garlic.

7. Darwin leaving his foot binding on (bad allergies + baby who scratches a lot = really yucky, torn-up feet).

8. Drinking
real lemonade.

9. Fresh-from-the-store fabrics.

10. Woolloomooloo chocolate bar (usually I'm a dark chocolate person, but this bar
And I guess I'm suppose to tag ten people (that's a lot, yo), but if you don't want to participate that's okay too...
Cheryl and
Wow. And that's not even all the blogging friends I've made. Now
that is
something to be thankful for.
Aaaaaa! I've been tagged! It'll take me a few days to top all those great pictures. The flowers are so pretty.
Thanks for sharing!
I love Crocs! I have some in red!!!
Don't ya just love wearing Crocs?? What did we ever do without them??????? Oh.. just saw Julie's post.. mine are blue.. but I'm thinkin' about a purple pair :-)
Great list WITH photos. Show off.
What good news about your aunt too!
Your flowers are lovely and the boys cute (even with devil faces and poor wittle feet). Hand over the chocolate lady and no one will get hurt? k?
I love Griffin's devil face.
I, too, LOVE lily of the valleys (but I can't seem to get them to grow!!!!) and I enjoy dark chocolate more -- I just ate a piece.
Great list.
That really is a devil face! Wow.
I think I will be saying Wooloomooloo for the rest of the day, and I've never even had one of those.
I enjoyed reading your ten. I need to go make me some real lemonade now.
I like this one ~ I will do it! Thanks for tagging me. :-) that chocolate looks delish...and I am a total fresh lemoade person...
if i can get on typepad today i'll put out for you!
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