The doctor got an exam table and did a little dirty-dirty with the stoned air traffic controller (yes, there is photographic evidence).
Then, on day nine...

... the doctor sat down at his computer and wrote a blog post about it. And on day ten...

... he was arrested by a traffic cop.
I have the best advent calendar ever.
Yesterday we finally put ornaments on the tree. At one moment it looked like this..

Welcome to my life.
Today Griffin woke up with a really bad cough and a raging temperature. Darwin woke up vomiting. Whereas I am bleaching everything in sight.
Again, welcome to my life.
make sure you wear gloves when you bleach ... remember my mistake on friday? (but I'm sure you are better prepared than I).
hope all feel well soon!!!!
(still loving your advent)
Have you noticed the complete lack of women in Lego City? I just want to line up all the little Lego guys and make them sing "Y M C A!" I'm pretty sure this is part of our secular War on Christmas. ;)
Well, at least in years to come you'll have that cute picture of your little guy holding a big 'ole Christmas ball. And if you're lucky, with old age you'll have forgotten what happened just after you snapped the picture. I'm kind of a silver-lining kind of gal. :o)
What the-- whoa, I almost said a naughty word just then. But shit, what is UP with those lego dudes? Who puts a doctor in an airport? With an exam table? And a crack pipe?
Christmas ornaments, schistmas ornaments. I thought you were singing the driedel song anyway. There may be something in that-- hard to break a mennorah and a couple of driedels.
It has to get better SOOOOON!!!!!!
Suzie Sews (UK)
Yeah, we're on breakable ornament hiatus too. And the cough as well come to think of it, but not the vomiting.
Please God, no vomiting.
Poor you, poor babies :(
Mine are sick too, hope they'll all be better soon!
Oh, boys. Feel better. And Laura, please don't get sick yourself.
Hang in there!
Bleach is good - just don't wear clothes you care about! Hope the kids are better soon (and don't pass it to you for once.)
We got the Christmas tree decorated with no breakages, but since then we've lost three. Maybe my Mum was right not to decorate till after the school holidays begin...
we've got sickies here, too.
damn chuck e. cheese birthday party. cesspool.
Bleach is good. Clorox wiping everything in sight, everytime someone touches it is good too...
You've selected one of my all time favorite song lyrics - back in the very early days of The Internets, I had a "home page" (sounds so quaint now, doesn't it???) and that was my tag line for over a year....
Bleach on, rockergrrrl!
i've never known that advent could be simultaneously so surreal and so contemporary and true to current events.
i think maybe you need the explain the "we don't get sick in this house EVER" rule to your kids again. they're very disobedient when it comes to that one. such impudence!
glad it's not just my life!
(who's brilliant idea was it to make extremely fragile BALLS to put on a tree? - some serious lack of foresight, there!)
Crud...thank goodness for the advent callendar, or else you may just give up and do what my mother always threatened to do...move without a forwarding address.
That traffic cop looks a little like Gil Grissom on CSI..
I hope they don't swap flu's.
I am sick of the sickness going around. 85 kids gone from Lu's school today. We are keeping him home........no school for him this week.
Yuckity yuck yuck! I command all the germies to leave your house! I wish I had that power beacuse then I'd banish them from my house too.
My DD had that SAME virus. It's a BAD one. I have not seen her that sick in years. Sorry about the ornament, and the sick kids.
And your advent calendar, does indeed, ROCK. LOL.
Ah Laura, you need a holiday - get on a plane and come visit. I even promise not to make you clean up puke!
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