Yesterday brought on a slight rush of energy, which allowed me to finally finish my handmade gifts.

The hardest part was keeping the children away. They like the sparklies way too much.
Of course, I think the rush of energy was a side effect of the allergic reaction to the antibiotic. Nothing says "happy holidays" and "rosey cheeks" quite as well as a nice, red rash.
i like the sparkly things waaaay too much.
hey, it's 12:30 and i have 2 hours til picking up J - will you email or call me if you need me to run any errand, etc for you? seriously. Whole Foods, or whatever. please tell me if you need anything. i'm here at home for another 30 min.
you've got my home email -
I've been feeling so much older...
frame me, and hang me on the wall...
And could you add some o' those sparkly things?
I thought they found an antibiotic that you weren't allergic to? I mean, except for all the vomiting. What a bummer.
I love the ornaments.
It's amazing how much most boys like the sparklies.
very cute pictures.
sparklies are very fun for little ones! (and so very messy)
are you still sick to your stomach, or "only" itching now?
Great photo ornaments! Love the sparklies... :)
The ornaments are lovely. I hope your rash goes away soon, did the antibiotics at least get rid of the pneumonia? Can you continue to take the meds even with the reaction? Maybe you should get the old fashioned shot instead of the slow daily poison? Hope you feel better soon.
Wow...nothing says Festivus like throwing up, sparkles and red rashes...poor thing! I hope you feel better soon...and the little gifties are too cute!
You finished a batch of handmade goodies and developed an allergic reaction to a whole new antibiotic..
Look at you.. all sick and multi tasking.
hey, three more days and then we can stop being busy and bin the "'happy' it's Chritsmas smile".
We can be miserable in peace.
Love the "shiny bits" as they are called in our household. 'sparkles' are for girls and shiny bits are for everyone. Apparently. According to No 2 who's four.
Hey, great post. going off line for the Christmas time but wanted to say thanks for keeping me smiling. Have a great Christmas and here's to the New Year.
SUzie Sews
PS...Did the postman ever deliver you a little parcel from me?
The sparkly things are terrific! I don't blame the boys one bit for liking them.
This is a list of Christmas carols that really resonate around our house. I think you'll understand- especially "We'll Be Ill for Christmas." ha! (I know, I KNOW it's not funny...)
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