Tuesday, December 12, 2006

When I Look in the Mirror, I Can't Believe What I See -- Tell Me, Who's That Funky Dude Starin' Back at Me?

My nerd quota just went up at least ten points...

... and that's some vicious glare. Yikes.

So, apparently, my brain has been "pulling corners for years" and now everything rectangular looks trapazoidial (yes, that's a word. I say so). This is going to take some serious getting use to.

Something else to get use to?

Day Eleven
The fucked up Lego Advent Calender. What fucking genius of a board meeting came up with these anyway?


Anonymous said...

You look SO cute, in that nerdy-chic sort of way! I LOVE it!

Brian just got new glasses too, and I picked out sort of similar frames for him!

Anonymous said...

You look really, really GREAT! :)

Anonymous said...

If you REALLY want to take the nerd look all the way, you need a little piece of duct tape on those glasses. But they're pretty cute as is!

Anonymous said...

you are so beautiful! i love those squared frames. i need a new pair but haven't been to costco yet for ye olde exam. bleh.

Anonymous said...

i swear your word verification thingie just had "stinqwad"

you think i'm kidding but i'm not.

just had to tell you!

ta ta 4-eyes.


Angelina said...

But don't you think the lego advent is just a tiny bit cooler than the advent calendars with Precious Moments Santas all over them, and creepy little elves and desperate looking virgins...?

Berber said...

Aah, you look lovely & nerdy in your glasses :))))

Anonymous said...

cool glasses. (by the way....you look way younger than i thought you were...not at all what i imagined sitting here in blogworld !)

Anonymous said...

the glasses look great!! wear them with pride! at least you can see better now, right???

Kim -today's creative blog said...

I like the new glasses. Anyone who is cool has them you know!

Anonymous said...

I love the glasses! I need a new pair, but I've been holding out because of $ -- stupid insurance doesn't cover eyecare.

LLA said...

I *LOVE* them! And I love the way they look on you!!!!

I"ve not gotten a new pair of frames since (and I am not kidding here) 1990 - I got them right before I got married and was still on my parent's insurance! Stuck with them for years b/c of crap insurance...

Bubba has decent insurance now (YAY!) but I'm still stuck with the horrible round frames - think Ralphie in A Christmas Story - because there's no one I trust to go shopping with to help me pick out new ones...

So, come to Atlanta and help me shop? I love your taste in glasses, and I wanna look like a cool nerdgrrrl, too!

Anonymous said...

hey preeetttteee laaaddeeee!! You're a cutie, it's unanimous around here - all of a sudden I aint so comfortable with you and Jim discussing his sequined g string!

PamKittyMorning said...

You look SUPER. Love them.

Leanne said...

Wow. Take a blogging break and suddenly there is seond degree sexual misconduct amongst lego figurines going on out there in blogoland... Love the glasses, btw! Very retro chic cool in a modern urban way! Hey, gluten free goddess, gonna post any recipes for christmas cookies? Hint hint... I'm dying over here with no holiday treats!

Anonymous said...

You look far too young to curse so much!Does your mummy know you're online? tee-hee!!!!

Anonymous said...

Cute! And of course trapezoidal is a word. Why wouldn't it be? Tim wrote a song with the word 'trapezoid' in it once. He considered it quite an accomplishment. ;)

Anonymous said...

You look darling in your trapezoidial glasses! I don't know what else to say about the lego thing... except that ain't right.

diana said...

I like those !

Anonymous said...

3 comments on one post! i'm cerazy.

i'll tell you what kind of board meeting came up with this calendar, the board meeting that went out for lunch and had a few pitchers of margaritas and then back to the office to knock out the rest of "that damned advent calendar".

that's who.

although i really, really want one. and now M does too, for next year.

Anonymous said...

very smart. You look great. I had a pair similar to those... they're in a box I'm sure. Somewhere in the depth of the garage. With the other zillion boxes.

Love the Lego advent calendar!!

Anonymous said...

You look great and you know it. Otherwise you would have never posted your pic.:)

jessica said...

those are some great glasses. they really suit you.
i love that you curse. fucking fantastic.

Marshamlow said...

I wish I could come and play with all your legos, I could be there for a week and never get bored! Glasses usually take a couple of days to get used to, then you will notice all kinds of cool stuff, like the individual leaves on trees, blades of grass, etc.

You look sensational, even prettier than before, and younger, how did you do that?

Chickenbells said...

I think you look smashing...I always get the non-glare because I get totally overstimulated by all the extra light and then start to cry, which makes it equally as hard to see!

Anonymous said...

okay, WHERE ARE YOU??? i can't take this. 2 days straight. i'm going to start shaking soon.