"You wanna play in the snow?"
Hello, December. Which means it is time to begin the Advent Calendar.

(Although, I must admit after what went down last year I am a wee bit nervous about Lego only releasing a "City" Advent Calendar this year. We do our Advent stuff after dinner. Perhaps this year I'll post the whole series. Then we can all write Lego and tell them to rename it the Festivus Calendar if it is anything like last year's.)
I almost bought that Lego advent calendar. But I knew I would just be buying it for Chris and me -- Elise would just try to eat the pieces. So, we'll hold off a few years.
Elise and Darwin have the same opinion of the snow. I just tried to go out there with her, and there was much screaming and crying involved. It was supposed to be FUN, dammit.
Wholly crap! I just read your advent adventures from last year! What the hell kind of advent calendar has a jewel thief in it? I will have to look for this leggo advent debacle when I am at Wally World!
If Max saw this he would never forgive me for not presenting him with it today.
You got snow!! So much snow!! Now I'm jealous. Mine's all gone. I guess it's alright since my heater broke. So pretty! Darwin will probably come around eventually. Right after all the snow's gone and you can't convince him it isn't in your power to bring it back on command.
cute advent activity. i think playmobil has one, too (or maybe it's a nativity set???). all i know about playmobil is that it is always, ALWAYS sold out at Target when i go.
and the convict from last year is way cute. funny. sad. but cute. my kids love the little lego people!!! even if they are criminals. (and jack wants me to make him a "mask that 'fieves' wear" to cover his mouth! he wants to be a thief.)
That is a mighty big icicle you got there! It's 80!!!! degrees here today. huh?
I must go read this old advent story now.
Lego rules.
Schecky has that exact same Advent calendar - and we just opened door number one. (Didn't we get the exact same mini fig in last years???)
I felt guilty when I saw all the gorgeous, crafty, thoughtful and thoughtprovoking advent calendars being discussed at LoobyLu and the like - knowing that my 100% Danish Plastic version was en route! (But I do love my Danish Plastic...)
We have the same calendar this year and we had it last year too. I too was shocked by the jewel thief, in fact since I can't wait to open them and it is really for my son not me...ahemm...ahemm...I already peeked at the inside of the box and that is how I convinced my husband it is not the exact same as last year, no jewel thief.
Wow, lucky kids, we have always done the Lego but sadly this year I have not been able to get one in the UK not even at Hamely's, I could have bid on ebay but for twice the price. Anyway I am VERY PLEASED with myself as I made the match box advent calender using some of my lovely art papers...do you think the boys will appreciate it? was that a NO!!!
Still it makes me smile and my oldest really enjoyed todays activity.
Suzie Sews
PS We still have the city bits , I am still finding them in the odest of places;-)
shhhh, don't tell Lucas! He's just fine with his cheap chocolate one........ $.99
Crying tears of joy about what went down last year...good 'ole Lego. I tell you, it makes me want one, because nothing says the holidays like and escaped convict (especially when we all get our visa bills in Jan.)
Hey, I want a lego advent calender. I don't have anything to do with advent, but hey...
We had a secular Lego calender last year! Fun, fun. Very jealous of your snow. Perhaps Darwin is wise to stay in with a snowball happy big brother on the loose!
Hey Capello! We just saw on the news that a state of emergency has been declared in Kansas! Are you guys OK? Yesterday a new Queensland temperature record was set only a couple of hours drive from here (47 point something) and here you are dying from snow!!
Woops two posts!!! Re The Jewel theif. I am a Christian and I loved him ...what does that say about me!!!
Suzie Sews
oh my god.. The previous lego xmas is tooo funny. FUNNY Funny Funnnnnnnnny.
good luck this year.
the snow pics are great... i am jealous... no.snow.here.ever.
Lego Advent! I had no idea. I'm off to search for one. BTW - I'm with Darwin - it's too stinking cold. How DID I end up in Minnesota? :-)
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