I don't really have anything witty to say today. I'm too busy making gluten-free banana bread and freaking out over my amazing expandable ass and the holiday season.

But I will be upload pictures over on
flickr later. That's gotta be worth
something, right?
Why does that remind me of Hannibal Lecter?! Hope you have ruled out the possibility of flesh allergies;)
Yikes what toy is that? Looks fun, and yet somehow scary.
I won't ask what it is... but it's absolutely brilliant!!
cool beans!
*amazing expandable ass*
yep. i've got that. and yet here i am, making macaroons and dipping them in GOOD DARK CHOCOLATE O MY LORD THE GOODNESS.
the goodness.
your science city pics are awesome. we need to go there. someday.
yeah...I started knitting again, so I'm forgetting to eat...then again, when I remember, it's usually my wheat free, dairy free, refined sugar free cookies...oops!!
what is he wearing?? it's kind of freaking me out! can he breathe? (aren't you the one who hates people and things touching your face? hasn't it rubbed off on your kids?) :-)
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