My parents are coming over tomorrow to celebrate my dad's birthday (his birthday is actually next weekend, but he's playing in a gold tournament out of town). We all use to go out to eat, but with all the food allergies I now make all the meals.
Which, you know, helps out the cookbook process quite a lot.
Anyway, Dad requested Italian (typical). And it's been forever since we've had lasagna -- the main problem is actually finding wheat-free ricotta cheese. Why does it need to made with vinegar?
(Here's where all the celiac know-it-alls leave me comments saying, "If it's distilled, it's gluten-free, a chemist told me so." And then that's when I say, "You forget I also have an authentic wheat allergy, which means I'm allergic to everything made from wheat even if it's distilled.")
Anyway, I did my highly scientific test to see if there was any residual gluten/wheat in the ricotta...

... I'm so scientific. The result? No rash! Let us have lasagna! So I'm gonna go make that here in the next half hour or so.
I'm also making my dad's favorite spinach salad (who knew I could get my dad to eat spinach?) and German chocolate cake for dessert (I even found gluten-free buttermilk for it. Awesome). Let's just hope everything turns out.
The reason why I'm making everything today is because this weekend is Santa-Cali-Gon Days and I'm going tomorrow morning BY MYSELF. I use to go every year when I was a kid, but I haven't been in five years. The last time I went I dragged Aaron with me and he was simply miserable. So I get to go BY MYSELF and look at the tents and tents and tents of crafters. I'm so excited (now, if I just had money to spend...).
Other than that, I've got yard work on the list of things to do. Lots and lots of yard work. Starting with cutting up that branch that fell in the middle of the yard last week, pulling a bunch of weeds and giving Aaron time to mow.
I also hope (because, you know, I already have quite the list going) to work on some of my works in progress...

... another embroidery (I plan on framing them) and...

... the big secret project that I'm not even a fourth of the way through completing. Why does everything take longer than I think it will?
Oh -- and do you what Aaron had the audacity to say to me last night? He complained that the brownies were "too cakey." I may or may not have called him a string of curse words under my breath.
yeah, so, um, when should i be there? red wine, right?
santicaligon! haven't been there in ages - that will be so fun. Last time I went I bought the most wonderful goat's milk soap from a lady. random memory, huh?
have fun by your lonesome!
Since when do you say curse words under your breath???? How DARE Aaron say something is too cakey after all that!
Have fun tomorrow! And dinner sounds GREAT! German Chocolate Cake is (One of) my FAVORITE(S)!
Sounds like a great weekend! Love the embroidery, are you going to use that red/blue fabric in the background to frame it? Very nice.
Hey, it's my birthday Sunday. I love Italian!
I hope you get a lot done this weekend.
How's your leg? I suppose it must be a lot better if you're planning to do lots of gardening... I'm so glad for you!
The embroidery looks great and I'm very curious about your mysterious project :))
Going on an outing alone sounds like a treat. I remember those days. Just getting in and out of the car alone was so fast and simple. Enjoy!
I hope you have a wonderful weekend. It sounds like you have a lot of good stuff going on! I can't wait to see your secret project...oh so mysterious!
lasagna sounds deeelish.
I love the allergy test you get to moisturise will you wait!
Cakey brownies and ?I think you might need mediation there!
Enjoy your 'you time'!
Wow! You can make gluten-free lasagna?? I gotta buy that cookbook of yours! Can you really make one your sons can eat too? This week's Illustration Friday theme is "safe." The first thing I think of is, "Safe to eat?" P.S. I myself am not super gluten intolerant, I can have regular soy sauce, vinegar, etc. but my brother in law is having BIG tummy troubles but he has only excluded the obvious wheat stuff, not the super detailed like you. I wonder - how did you figure out you were gluten intolerant AND wheat allergy?
I am not sure why people that are sensitive to gluten insist that they have a wheat allergy. It is a totally different thingy. More power to you for makind a cookbook that addresses that specific point.
You are teasing us with the crafts! Get crackin' and give us some eye candy!
Enjoy the lasagna! It sounds good.
I've never been to santi-cali-whatever. :) Have fun though!
Have a great time at Santicaligon by yourself. Sounds relaxing. But don't overdo it on your tender foot!
I am wondering about this secret project too... hmmm.
I was going to suggest making your own ricotta cheese, but it looks like you found some good stuff. Who knew that wheat was in ricotta?
Have a great time by yourself.
hah... food never lasts long enough in my house for people to tell me its too cakey !
Have fun at the fair... you deserve it !!!
Have a great weekend! I am so jealous. We're having a lot of excitement around here, but it's mostly centered around my husband's birthday and his Midlife-Crisis-Man birthday present. ;)
I love your very scientific allergy test! I think that would actually work on Lily. You are my hero!
At least Aaron sees the error he previously made in brownie preferrence..?
Hope your weekend is really groovy. You don't neccessarily need an agent for your first book.
If you have specific questions email me.. Both my mom and sis are authors. And I will ask em.
i am wondering how your lasagna turned out!!!! any allergic reactions? (despite your scientific experiment)
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