Wednesday, September 27, 2006

If They Move Too Quick (Oh-Way-Oh) They're Falling Down Like a Domino

In life, you have to make sacrifices... letting your children play with plastic spoons so they leave you alone so you can clean out your pantried food. (Yes, the are dishwasherable [yes, that's a word -- I say so] so it's not like they are a total sacrifice.)

In other words, I didn't get any crafting done yesterday, but now all my cabinets containing food are clean. Clean-clean. Super clean. Ubber clean.

Spices, organized! Sweeteners, organized!

(I purchase all my spices at Penzey's. Due to the FDA's inability to regulate gluten in spices as an anti-caking agent [spice manufacturers do not have to list it as an ingredient] it is very difficult to find gluten-free spices. Penzey's lists all of their ingredients on their spices, including any food starch if they use it [which, in most cases, they do not]. Penzey's is the only spice manufacturer that I have found that lists everything. And? Their spices are totally awesome to boot.)

Cocoa, tea organized!

Lazy Susan, organized!

Pseudo-pantry in the hallway, organized! (Even if it doesn't look like it, which explains the no picture philosophy.)

From all this cleaning out, I filled two paper grocery bags of food for Aaron to take to work to let his coworkers have what they like. Clean cabinets and a lighter load? Awesome.

Of course, the no-crafting-done-yesterday totally resulted in me drinking ouzo. Mmmmmm.... ouzo.

(Obviously, I have reached a certain level of patheticness, for I just blogged about cleaning out my cabinets, and I wasn't even drunk while I did it. Geesh.)


Leanne said...

Hmmm, cleaning out cabinets without any influence of alcohol? I'd say that subconsciously you were needing to declutter your psyche and regain an emotional sense of order and control. But then again, I always thought Freud and Jung were full of crap, and the reality is that when we do something out of the ordinary of our own behavior, it's really just the act of going insane momentarily! But hey, your momentary insanity results in some awesome cabinets! And definitely should be rewarded with some ouzo!

Anonymous said...

Your cabinets are so deliciously clean and organized! Now come on over here and get to work on mine... I've got spoons and plates to spare!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I LOVE Penzey's and buy most of my spice there too, but my cabinets don't even begin to be as organized as yours!

Anonymous said...

woo hoo! nothing like clean cabinets.

you'll be over to do mine later, right?

i'll make the mojitos...

Anonymous said...

And after visiting estea for a cupboard cleaning, you'll come to my house, right? I have peppermint schnapps! Is that too 80's high school? Well then I have tequila! And cool teapot up there with the tea. Seriously!

PamKittyMorning said...

Wow, I am not even smart enough to say come over and clean mine, I was thinking gee, I wish I lived around the corner so every day you could give me an assignment and then come to check to make sure I did it. Because I would enjoy clean cabinets as well.
Love those spoons by the way, they look a bit turtle-y.

Mia said...

LOVe that spoon picture!!!

Anonymous said...

Nothing says happy like some clean cupboards! Looking good mama. I need new spices. You've put me to shame. I believe our sad spices came from the dollar store. I'm so embarrassed.
At least you accomplished something!

Anonymous said...

At least you are moving around and affecting your environment, reducing the net amount of chaos in your life. Me, I am sitting here amid piles of unfolded laundry, and am waiting to see when I will start caring enough to do something about it. Maybe now... no, false alarm. I still don't care.

Anonymous said...

Wanna come over? You can do mine too. Only I have Port or Tequila to drink.

You also invented 2 new words! patheticness and dishwasherable. Love them both and will adopt them into my wordset. LOL.

Kim -today's creative blog said...

Clean cabinets are awesome! They always make you feel so much better! Don't underestimate the power of a clean pantry. I should take a before and after shot of mine. It's BAD!

Anonymous said...

Wow, how do you ever get so much done and still manage to have time to play with your kids? And to feel badly that no crafting was done? Bwahahaha! You accomplished alot. Good job!

patrice said...

I love that you blogged about this! It is a big accomplishment and it is newsworthy! How is the mystery project, by the way?

Anonymous said...

I wonder if this will be any good for the allergies, or if it is all hype?
