Being in Michigan has kind of become our own personal hell.
No, not because I have edit what I say in my head five times before I say it due to cursing, tone and facial expressions, but because Darwin is having a massive allergy attack.
And when I say massive, I mean MASSIVE. As in not only is he taking his extremely high dosage of zyrtec, but also Children's Benadryl every four hours and he's still an itching machine.
Part of Darwin's problems is due to being outside so much -- he's allergic to outdoors. Part of the problem is due to how much gluten is in the grandparents' house -- no amount of cleaning would have been sufficient enough to make it gluten-free. And part of his problem is the serious amount of dog fur and dander everywhere.
So we are leaving earlier today than expected -- just by a few hours. Good thing we didn't plan on staying longer, because day three means termination time for us. The children and their allergies cannot handle more than three days in Michigan (we won't discuss my big crying meltdown in the van last night due to not finding adequate food -- oh no, we will not discuss that).
The muffin fairies did not arrive yesterday. Instead, I dreamt horrible muffin nightmares and got up at 5 a.m. to making the fucking muffins.

Mmmm... ::drool::: ...muffins.
I entered the Apple Fest Bake-off 45 minutes before closing time and I was number 23. And I didn't place in the top three. My guess is they were knocked out so much by the wonderful flavor and texture, they drooled too much on their scoring card for the auditors to read.
We spent the afternoon yesterday walking around the Apple Fest, listening to local folk singers and then seeing the Candy Band at Tibbets last night.
Now we're off to visit more grandmas and hopefully got to
(More photos uploaded to Flickr!)
Argh... please don't tell me you think Meijer is like Target. Two totally different beasties! ;)~
I'm so sorry your trip was a flop. I'm really sorry Darwin is having such a huge flare up. Poor kiddo.
I think your muffins ROCK! And that's just from drooling over the picture. Hahaha.
Having lived in MI and OH where Meijer's is a hit... I would hardly comapare it to Le Target! Shame. And, did it have a Starbucks kiosk in it, like our lovely land in OP? 123rd and Metcalf?
Sigh, how I miss James at the counter.
Only eleven hours home again - how often do you make this trip? It sounds tough, and that's even before you throw in the alleriges.
Sorry that the young man is so miserable. Glad for you that you get to leave early, even if it is just by a few hours...
On the road, again...
Just can't wait to get on the road again....
Have a safe trip home.Sorry things are rough on the kiddo. Have you tried Benadryl spray? Or is the itchy just everywhere, and too much area to spray. That stuff works on my weird rashy things. Anyway, good luck, safe trip and all that. Muffin's looked divine.
poor little guy... glad you decided to leave early...the pictures are great
Poor Darwin. Sorry your trip didn't go better, and that you did not get the proper recognition for those fucking muffins. (They look delicious, BTW. Did you wind up changing the recipe?)
Safe driving home again,home again... Poor Darwin. How long will it take to stop itching??
poor Darwin! maybe all the meds will knock him out for the trip home, though??
the muffins look good. the judges must not know what they are talking about!
drive safely ...
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