"Darwin, we don't have Hard-Fi."
"Jack Johnson!"
"Griffin, it's Darwin's turn. And Darwin, we don't have Hard-Fi."
"How about your Arctic Monkeys? Or your Fall Out Boy?"
"Dude, we don't have Hard-Fi."
"How about Arctic Monkeys? Or Jack Johnson? Franz Ferdinand? Beth Orton? Ani DiFranco? Deathcab?"
"Jack Johnson, Darwin choose Jack Johnson!"
"Darwin. We. Do. Not. Have. Hard. Fi."

Um, yeah. Well, we do now.
And you all think I'm an audiophile.
i'm so out of the loop with music. i have no idea about anything you just wrote about! ha ha ha!!!!
wow. Not that we didn't all suspect this, but now it is official:
There are toddlers who are way cooler than me
I, of course, had to zip over to the iTunes Music Store to see what it was all about. Very nice, thanks for the music recommendation, Darwin!
Okay, I feel about as unhip as my grandma right about now.
The only reason I know what this post is about is because you clued me in last week. And as it turns out, I had actually watched Arctic Monkeys on SNL (and didn't fall asleep before the monologue was over.)but didn't remember until I listened to the song and it sounded familiar and STILL my office mate had to tell me that I saw them last spring on SNL. Oh, yeah!
Hard Fi huh? I'll be checking them out. Tell Darwin he might enjoy a little Brand New as well.
Who, whu? I guess I will have to pay attention to Darwin's choices to stay up with the music times!
Laura....come see my 80s pic!
That boy is so hip it's scary. Hope you all have a good drive to Michigan!
So glad there's someone else who has little ones listening to real music! Hope you're resting well after your journey...
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