Now the entry room walls match the rest of the house, and I didn't have to rip out the five different kinds of wallboard/paneling in order to do it too.
The next step is to prime the whole room with Kilz (gotta love rusty nail heads and water damage).
However, the next project I need to focus on is the fact that we are going to Michigan Thursday evening, to make up for the 4th of July trip we missed thanks to the Stupid Fucking Foot.
We are scheduled to leave Thursday after dinner and I will drive us all night (750 miles, this should be fun); then we'll leave Sunday after dinner and I will drive us home through the night (another 750 miles, more fun). And, no, we still don't know if Aaron is coming with us or not.
In the case that Aaron does come with us, I hope to stay up super-late Wednesday night and prime the entry room. Then I can sleep half of Thursday away and make the super long drive without too many complications.
Needless to say, my mother-in-law is super excited we are coming up. Aaron's hometown is having the Apple Fest this weekend. Apparently there is a bake-off and my MIL wants to me enter something in it (like I'm going to be able to bake after being up all night long).
But I am quite certain that if my cookbook ever does get published, having a tag line of "Winner of the 2006 Coldwater, Michigan, Apple Fest Bake-off" will certainly make copies fly off the shelves like no one's business.
Holy smokes, woman! You are a dynamo. The plaster looks great, and I wish you luck with that gdmf drive. Aaron had better come with you!
OK, ignore the stupid email I just sent you! I guess I didn't read far enough down in bloglines -- I was assuming Charlevoix area, not Coldwater. But hey, at least I remembered the one festival we usually attempt to make it to! And you should enter something in the bake off -- it would be great for the cookbook.
Great googly moogly (am I the only one who watches Maggie and the fercious beast?) that is good plastering... have you ever thought of taking it up professionaly?
When we were doing our kitchen up the builder was having a deserved cup of tea after finishing off the new wall. Smooth like a baby's bottom it was. That was until No 1 decided to 'draw' on it with a toy rake. Well... let's say the guy choked on his tea, smiled through gritted teeth and did it all again! Had to take the whole thing down and start again...
Nice plaster. And the effects of you being "plastered" have worn off? So I guess you won't be at RenFest this weekend eh? Well, win that bake off then!
Well, if the plaster didn't give you a hangover, the Kilz certainly will! Nice job with the plaster. Have a good trip. I hope Aaron can go with you!
Nice work! Good luck with the drive. I'd like to make a lot of crazy talk comments about the ride but that's not helpful so I'll just say good luck and drive carefully, have fun, and all that. See you on the other side!
Be careful and HAVE FUN. The Apple Fest sounds like a nice Autumn activity.
The walls look great! Can't wait to see it in person. (and I'm anxious to see what color you decide on.)
Really? You're going to drive all that way, potentially on your own, in the middle of the night, after an exhausting week? PLEASE, be careful.
There is no way I could drive like that. You'd better be careful, girl!
Come on, you can bake something. You're superwoman!
Your walls look great, btw.
WOW! the wall looks great!!!! good for you for finishing it!
Yay! It's done! Great job. And I sure hope you don't have to make that trip by yourself.
Coldwater?? Coldwater?! Guess where I'M going the following weekend?? Sturgis, Michigan! To see my grandma, by myself, for 5 days!! Southern Michigan, it's the place to be, baby!
Dude! Your wall looks AWESOME!!!!!!!!
(and I am so bugging you for pointers when you get back. And Aaron so better be going with you on said trip...)
You are a Real Woman - excellent job! Don't cooking competition winners usually get to appear on Oprah and feed their pies to the whole audience?
Hail to Southern Michigan. You'll be in the backyard of my undergrad alma mater, WMU in Kalamazoo!
But what scares me is the thought that the boys will have to use public loos. You know my OCD is kicking into high gear about that one. Anyone for a little regression?
Good for you!!! It feels so good to get something done! I can't believe you did it yourself.
Driving so late? Be careful!
You have done a great job on the plastering. Why don't you aim south and come finish my kitchen walls?! Good luck with the drive, I don't envy you that at all. Remember, don't drive and bake!
Waahooo! The wall looks good and I can't wait to see it all painted. So when do I get to see that? heh.
Lady you better be careful doing all that driving at night. You are a brave girl and I so hope Aaron gets to go with you.
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