In the last 24 hours I have driven over 900 miles.
This morning we realized what Darwin was allergic to in the carseat -- the armrests were a soft rubbery material, which certainly meant latex. Both boys and I are allergic to latex (of course we are, we're allergic to every other damn substance in the universe).
So, we had the boys temporarily switch seats, using a blanket to prevent Griffin from touching the latex and drove back to Michigan, over 100 miles to leave the allergenic carseat at Aaron's parents' house and pickup Darwin's old carseat. Then I had to drive us home.
My ass hurts. And I'm rather jittery.

Of course, I'm sure that jittery-ness may have something to do with the fact that I've consumed over 100 ounces of vanilla-cinnamon-organic-milk-no-foam lattes in the past 12 hours. Or maybe not.
I'm glad you're all home!!
Now you just need to rest (a couple of weeks!) :)
Now you're home I hope you pour yourself a nice glass of something a lot stronger than latte... You deserve it!
Glad you're home safe and sound.
I'm so glad that you're home, safe and sound!
And how unfair to be allergic to a car seat...
(Your picture made me do a double take - it was weird to see "my" name on a StarBucks cup, along with my old cell phone. How nice to see that someone else uses Virgin Mobile, I truly thought that I was the only one! That was my phone, until Schecky accidentally dropped it in the toilet (there's that damn toilet again!) Now I have a cute little foldy-uppy phone, still from Virgin. )
Now get some rest!!!!!!!
I'm glad you're home, and I hope you're [b]asleep[/b] now!
Damn those angle brackets anyway.
Go. to. bed.
but I'm guessing Aaron had to work this morning. :(
I'm glad you were able to figure out the culprit! And thank God for the now ubiquitous starbucks coffee stores... guaranteed to make you a jittery mess that can't sleep at 3am after driving umpteen million miles! Get some rest, you do deserve it.
Rest, rest, rest. And welcome home. I hope the home enviorns will be better for you all and I hope poor Darwin's feeling better.
Oh my god, I can't even imagine the hell you've been through. I am glad to hear that you're home safe and sound. You'd better get somme rest!
Go get some rest!!
so glad you are home! So glad I mentioned to cover the carseat, cuz I am sure you were too jacked up on starbucks to think of this simple remedy.......:)
REST!!!! Take a bath!!!
Thank God you're home safe. I've been thinking about you since the last entry and wondering how it was going.
Oh good I hoped that by checking your blog today I would find that you all had made it safely home in one piece! Now go sleep for 3 days straight & you'll be good as new!
Gah... what a horrible nightmare for all of you. I'm glad you're home safe!
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