And this autumn has been supremely awesome...

I love the view out my kitchen window.
And just to prove life doesn't only involve politics and participating in blog events, look what Griffin did yesterday...

I suppose this time I should be proud he remembered his "t" and didn't put in a "b" -- right?
I'm a mean, mean mommy for making him play outside in the nice weather. Someone call Social Services, that crazy lady is keeping Griffin from his Legos.
See, I read it as Mom's stoop ID - as in, your sign in to occupy your own steps.
Blame Hotmail for updating all their IDs today. I'm in the ID frame of mind, evidently.
And he remembered his apostrophe! Bless him.
My son once used our kitchen island chalk board to write out all the dirty words he knew. Since this was his first attempt at spelling anything at all, I did not discourage him. You can see what that looks like here.
I share that feeling of immense pride. It's a brand new day with a whole lot of old piles of shit to clean. I feel like maybe we've finally got a shovel.
Dude, I have no idea where that just came from. Guess I stuck my head in the laundry for too long.
Your window is so pretty. REally really pretty!
I'm also impressed with the apostrophe! I'm a mean mom too.
When William was in first grade he made a drawing in class labeled "I go peepee." Apparently that is not encouraged in school these days.
I feel immensely relieved, but the feeling of unreality hasn't quite lifted yet. Can it really be true after all?'s a BIG improvement with the spelling and should be proud. We just need to get him to write "mom's stupendous!"
He should count himself lucky, I know a gal who used to lock the kids outside so she could get some peace in the house...without chalk of course.
I was glued to my TVm, emotional and in tears. And I'm not American, I don't even live in the US.
we are feeling it here too...what a great day!
I have been rather lapse in my blog reading of late, but the lego shop book arrived yesterday and I thought I must check up on your 'goings on'
Ahhhh Kids do the cutest things...this made smile...
well, at least he doesn't hold it in :-)
wooo hoooo!
and heee heee.
Haha. Seriously, I know it's probably not so funny, but it sure is cute!
Dawson tells me I'm stupid all the time. Like when I ask him to pick up his toys, I'll get a response such as, "Mumma, don't be stupid! Imma pick up my toys later...after I rest."
It's so tiring to be four.
That child... At least you can commend him on his spelling improvements. But I would be SO TEMPTED to say that at least Mommy knows how to SPELL it! ;)
Because I'm mature like that.
I like your kitchen view.
And I like that boy's style.
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