(Apparently, I have super-low standards after attending the caucus.)

Do you have your sticker? You should. Everyone should be wearing a sticker today. It's like a four-year-old's version of a wet dream come to life.
Yeah. Okay. That was kinda inappropriate.
As for my kitchen?

Coffee cake muffins. Mmmm, these are good. I just replaced the flour with the same amount of gluten-free flour and added 2 teaspoons of xantham gum to the batter.
Now, go vote.
I've got mine! http://sugarnsnails.blogspot.com/2008/11/i-voted.html
Can I have a muffin now?
Ok, they were NOT handing out stickers where I voted. Should I go back up there and demand one??? I was really looking forward to wearing it tonight! Maybe I'll just make some muffins, chocolate of course.
my veriword was squal, how weird.
I voted after dropping the kids off this morning (since William decided he did not, after all, want to see democracy in action). It took less than 10 minutes. I'm sure that tonight will be a different story.
I hope there are no evil surprises in store.
One way or another our world is about to change. If it's close (which I just don't get) that means that half the country has a president they didn't want. Let's hope that it is time for the other half of the country to know what that feels like! Yeah democracy!!!!
They were out of stickers at my polling place - I was so bummed!
i, too, have my sticker!
my roommate and i got up at 5:30 this morning to get to our polling place by 6:00. the line was already as long as a city block, and it took us an hour and a half total to vote as well.
but YAY! i would much rather have to wait three hours due to obscene voter turnout than have it be fast because no one is voting.
Well shoot! Our poll did not give us stickers. We got ripped off!
I voted last friday but no sticker. That's alright. I could just paint it across my face, right?
I just saw a politically colored map of the states and I see more red than blue. Tell me that I am not interpreting it right!
No where I've ever lived gave out voting stickers. The first year I voted I made some on the computer. I wore my homemade sticker and passed them out to my coworkers. :)
I turned my computer on as soon as i woke up and read the fabulous news.
Brilliant. Well done you people. Obama is president. Now let's all sort this messy world out, together, right?
It's just sooooo exciting! XXxx
Not only did I wear my sticker...I got my free coffee from Starbucks!!
Look at you and your big blog nominated self who's been blogging since the 17th century!
So nice to "meet you!"
that looks delicious! mmm
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