So I'm gonna be in denial and play along with Toni this week. Kitchen Poetry. Doesn't that sound lovely?
We do the vast majority of our living in the kitchen -- right now, I'm click-click-clicking away on the laptop at the kitchen table. Waiting for the butter to be ready for muffins. (Mmmm, muffins.)

I'm getting more and more old-school in the kitchen as time wears on. Not only do we no longer have a microwave in the house, I despise prepackaged lettuce (carrots and spinach are okay - but lettuce? blech) and salad spinners (too damn bulky for my itty bitty kitchen).
So you'll often find a big bowl of greens soaking, then I lay them out on a towel, bunch it up and spin in around outside (centrifugal force at it's best -- it waters my rosebushes too). Then a quick dry-off inside, packaged in a bag with a few damp paper towels and I have salad until we eat it up.
It is indeed the time of year to be in the kitchen more...I was just in mine totally reorganizing and decluttering...and crawling around on my hands and knees with a sponge doing some serious floor scrubbing...
Ah, denial is a beautiful thing.
haha. the thought of you spinning like that made me think of a comedy sketch i once saw... ever seen this? (about 3 mins in, you'll see what i mean)
I go back and forth on the bagged lettuce, depending on how lazy/overwhelmed I am feeling. I certainly like the fresh stuff better though.
Congrats on the promotion!
Congratulations on the promotion, and I envy the fact that you have enough energy to be all old school. ;)
I'm just looking forward to the end of the suspense tomorrow.
After seeing Jamie Oliver wash his greens and then put them in the spinner, I was a little sad as I don't have one. I use a colander but it has to drain.
It's amazing how we usually end up going back to the old fashioned way in the kitchen.
The holidays are coming. I'll be headed your way for Thanksgiving and am really excited about day after shopping. I know it's off the subject but what is the best shopping area in and around Kansas City?
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