Supposedly (and that's a HUGE supposedly) bourbon is gluten-free, where as whiskey is not (they add mash back in after the distilling process). This shouldn't matter much, I'm not much of a pecan pie fan anyway - but just in case, I used straight bourbon.

Aaron's been a punk through this whole getting-ready-for-Thanksgiving-dinner experience. He keeps trying to steal the food... the other day I had to give him a 20 minute explanation of why he couldn't eat this sausage because it's for the dressing. Then this morning I caught him trying to sneak sweet potatoes in his lunch even though yesterday I plainly told him I didn't think I had enough sweet potatoes for Thanksgiving dinner.
If he wasn't so damn good at cleaning the kitchen I would have gotten my frying pan down right then and there.
And now, I'm off to go make a pumpkin pie, orange cranberry bread, hard boil 15 eggs, assemble the dressing, make the veggie dip and assemble the sweet potato casserole.
And then I'm gonna sit in the corner and suck my thumb. Holy hell.
where's dinner? your house?
you're making so much!
So can pumpkin pie be made the day before? I am making two and can't decide if I should just do the crusts today or the whole thing...
I am splitting Thanksgiving duties with my mom, so I have it pretty easy. What a pile of stuff you are making!
You are so ahead of the game. I don't even have a clue what we're going to eat for dinner. We don't do turkey or any meat.
I do know that I'm going to be making a cherry tart. Why didn't it occur to me to make most of that today? Hmmm, maybe I will!
What kind of stuffing do you make? It all sounds delicious.
I guess I better get busy......darn it!
Happy Thanksgiving...all I'm making this year is a Pumpkin pie and some vegan potatoes au gratin. I love cooking the entire meal...but alas, no one can eat "traditional" food it's kind of an allergy free for all...
found your blog by way of scraptomylu(by way of today's creative blog...yada, yada...)
love your sense of humor!!
(and cranberry orange of my all time faves!)
happy thanksgiving =)
I hope you had some of that whiskey left over.....just what you would need after doing all that cooking.....
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