Shocking, I know.
So... take for instance the weekend. I wanted to do some sewing, some errand running, give Aaron some time to do stuff and relax. Now, I wouldn't think this would be such a crazy idea but apparently the Universe likes to jump up and bite me in the ass and be all hells no and force me to sleep all weekend.
And not even that lackadaisical beauty-rest, oh hells no. More like thrashing around, being a zombie and totally cranky afterwards kind of sleep.
Was I sick? Nope. Broken bone? Nuh-uh. Doped up on muscle relaxers? No. So, what the fuck?
What the hell was up with the sleep then, Universe? What the hell?
In other news, our turtle is a total complete pansy-ass and thinks the world revolves around him. He won't even eat the nice, tasty worm I got him cuz he "wasn't in the mood" for it.
I wonder where he gets it from?
In case you're living under a rock, here's some videos you should watch:
(do NOT watch at work!)
Happy Monday. (I swear... I'm not gonna go take a nap)
The best laid plans, leave me laying in bed.
We got our turtle some feeder fish to chase around. She ate 3 out of 8. I guess the others are her friends.
You need a Select Comfort Sleep Number bed! It's the best money we ever spent. It was worth every penny!!
BTW-What kind of turtle do you have?
:: Oh Sarah, you can't sleep with MY boyfriend! ::
Could your sleepiness or lack thereof be caused by the weather??? Sorry your plans didn't happen... I hate that. Makes me grumpy.
Picky Turtle. Funny though.
Ugh! I hate when my sleep is disturbed. Especially since I've been getting a full nights sleep for the last 2 1/2 years after 8 years of sleeping with my daughter. Here's hoping your sleep situation changes soon.
I love that Sarah Silerman video! I saw it the other day and laughed my butt off.
LOL! That was naughty.
Thanks for the warning. I'll watch them at home. I'm guessing that the kiddies in class would be a little shocked???
OMG how funny!!!! I'm so glad you posted that!
Wow!! Matt Damon eh? Rich and I had a HUGE laugh over this one!!
I love the pansy-ass turtle remark..I crack up every time I read your blog..hope the sleep thing is over!!
Oh, I'm right there with you about the weekend. Which is why on Sunday afternoon, I cast about frantically attempting to redeem my weekend.
I adore Ms. Silverman. :D
And that concludes this completely pointless comment.
ack I love your blog - missed my bloglines for a while and just read the last three entries, backwards. Great. Nice to have a laugh first thing in the morning at work.
ooops, I meant to say sorry, sorry the universe and turtle are conspiring against you and you have old college furniture and a broken oven (me too, well, not the turtle!)Great lego cubes though...
Maybe this is the Turtle Terrible Twos. It's the Turtle Teens you really have to be afraid of.
Maybe the change in weather is messing with your sleep. It messed with mine. At least I got some sun, even if I was only sitting on the porch sanding a pinewood car. (For the record, I hate pine.)
non-quality sleep is the worst. I swear, I'd rather have *no* sleep...
And I made the "mistake" of watching the Sarah Silverman video over the weekend... and I've found myself humming "I'm ****ing Matt Damon" at the most inappropriate times... (ah well, at least it finally got the "**** is a Box" tune out of my head...)
Tuckie is so beautiful. I've never seen a turtle like him before. Our Red-Eared Slider is growing out of her tank. She's going to need a pond. Then I'll have to figure out how to keep it at 80 degrees for her in the Winter.
I hope you sleep like a warm, well fed baby that doesn't have to burp, pee or poop; wearing a dry diaper! Have a great week!
I am sorry for your sleeps.
Stay away from the poppies.
and guess what?
I'm F*(king Matt Damon!!
I wish I was fu**ing Matt Damon.
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