Valentine's Day + Griffin's sixth (holy fuck, sixth!) birthday party tomorrow + headcolds = a week of stressed-out awesomeness
Why, oh why, does the computer and the internets does not have an official "not equal" sign? My life is hopeless and empty without a not equal sign.
Is three o'clock too early for a rum and coke?
3:00 is the PERFECT time for a drink...make mine a double!! Happy Birthday to the boy...and I hope everyone feels better soon...Oh, and Happy Valentine's Day as well!!
I love that song!!
There are two ways (that I know of) to programmatically say "not equals":
Only use them if you're comfortable entering the league of L337 h4x0rs. ;)
ummm.ummm you could mix it at 3 and drink it slowly starting at 3:01. :D If you have to, you HAVE to!!
I would love to have a drink with you! You're a comedic genius! You should go on the show Last Comic Standing! You'd have me laughing on the floor after a few drinks! I hope the people in your life appreciate you and your wit!
Hope the birthday is super special!
I was thinking the exact same thing at 3:00pm today, too! Neighbor is bringing sangria over momentarily. Woohoo!
So wanna playdate Monday? We've got the day off with nothing to do.
drinking can commence by Noon no need to wait those extra three hours for a needed elixir...
Well, if it's 3 o'clock here...then you know it's 5 o'clock somewhere! CHEERS!
Oh god no! Xxx
Happy Birthday, G :)
And go pour Mommy a big one...
a.m. or p.m.?
Hey! Your heart looks like it is winking!
Griffen's BD and Lucas' BD are on the same day? Lu's on the 15th.
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