a men's plaid shirt (I keep "collecting" men's shirts to make the boys quilts with, someday it will happen) and funky striped curtains (Rachel agrees, some sort of funky cotton velour ::swoon::)
know what it is?
wait for it...
pure, unadulterated AWESOMENESS. An old, old, old typewriter that doesn't plug in. The boys love it. Well, they love it when they aren't jamming it.
We are looking forward to the weekend here. Supposedly it's gonna be jacket weather and supposedly Aaron's gonna fix two light fixtures (both of which have been broken for over four years) (go ahead, laugh on with me). As for me, I foresee sewing time (gotta do something with my 20-something red and white fat quarters) (it's an illness, I agree) and wishing on stars for magical fairies to come clean my house.
I'm going to quilt too! A friend of mine from Las Vegas (Now she's in Utah and I'm in AZ),just had her 4th girl. I'm making a quilt for her new baby this weekend. I hope you enjoy your weekend!
BTW - Love the typewriter! I wish we'd kept ours. We tossed it last summer. Bummer!
My turn to drool! That typewriter kicks serious butt. SCORE!
Incidentally, I did not go thrifting this week. So I'm glad you were there to pick up the slack. ;)
That typewriter is even cooler than you described! Are you sure you like it? Are you SURE (ahem...matches my house...might come steal it).
Send the fairies over here when they're done at yours would you?
Now...where did I put those wings and the secret faire cleaning dust???
We're having high 50's this weekend...I will be hiking on Sunday...the rest of the weekend I am going to clean my house...
hahahaha...good one!
LOVING all the thrifty finds for sure!!
that is the EXACT same typewriter I just gave to Amy at Poppy and Ivy.
Love your new banner
droooooooling over that type writer. it matches a phone i thrifted the other day :)
That typewriter is cool. It reminds me of a wonderful picture I saw in an old book, showing a typewriter and a procession of ecstatic women walking towards it. They were ecstatic because the typewriter was going to usher in a wonderful era of fulfilling, non-backbreaking, high-paying clerical jobs for them. (No, they were not being ironic. That just made it even funnier.)
dude, that typewriter is awesome. i'm so jealous. very very very very jealous.
(and crossing my fingers about those light fixtures!)
That is one SPANKY typewriter!!
Oh dude, what did you have to sacrifice to said Thrifting Gods to find something so awesome? Let me in on the secret!
I was searching your blog for more on your fat quarters and saw the post where you talked about publishing your cookbook. Try this: Morris Press Cookbooks
Publish Your Own Cookbook. Order FREE Cookbook Kit; Call 800-445-6621 ext. CB or visit the web site www.morriscookbooks.com or write; Morris Press Cookbooks P.O. Box 2110, Kearney, NE. 68848-9985! I'd buy one!! I hope you do this!
That typewriter is awesome!!!!
That's so cool! Glad the boys are enjoying the typewriter.
My dad had a very similar typewriter when I was growing up - I loved to play on it.
And can you send those fairies over when you're done with them? I could put them to work.
oh lucky you! :)
omg - i have the same exact one from my great aunt with the same case and all!! Score to you!(I actually put it away 'cause I didn't want my kids messing with it- you are so much more tolerant than me!)
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