I'm not quite sure how that's happened.
I mean, I've been around, I'm paying attention but it's like you magically went from a screaming baby to this person that builds stuff with Legos and constantly comes up with original ideas and I'm all, dude, what happened to mah baybee?

You categorize life into they way you want everything to fit together. Like, how you say, "Mom, one days you're gonna wake up and say 'no rules today' and it's totally gonna be the best day of my life even though you will have obviously lost your mind."
As if that hasn't already happened.

You prefer your daddy over me, I think mainly to piss me off. You constantly build stuff with Legos. You're starting to recognize words and you can easily sound words out but you still don't like school. As you say, "they have no science, Mom, why go to school if there's no science?" and "we don't get recess everyday and that's just ridiculous." But you go to school and tell me about gym class and what kids got sent to the safety seat that day. I'm sure they all appreciate your neurotic tendencies to remember such details for months.
Your biggest concern in life, other than preventing people from breaking apart your Lego creations, is having a social calendar. Unfortunately, even though we have lots of friends, we aren't able to have playdates every single day and you act as though the Earth is going to tilt off its axis if we go one day of not playing with friends.
Because, you know, hanging out with me is just awful.

Six. Wow. The years keep flyin' by.
Happy Birthday Griffin! Hang on for dear life mom, you are about to go for the ride of your life with the years flying by! Enjoy and congrats on such a wonderful boy!
Happy Birthday Griffin! My baby boy will be 16 on the 26th. He's driving and putting an engine in his "own" car. Time sure does fly!
You might want to start saving for his car insurance after the pipe repairs. It's going to cost a small fortune to add our son onto our policy! Yikes!! Big hugs to you both!!
Happy Birthday, Griffin! I wonder every day how my kids got as old as they are. It flies, doesn't it?
today's the day, grif! NO RULES!!!
yo' mama done obviously lost her mind.
happy happy day.
Happy birthday, Griffin!
Cutie pie.
Happy Birthday, G-man - you clever, handsome, genius boy!
He sounds older than six. Legos today . . . MIT tomorrow. :)
Happy birthday, Griff! I can't believe how old you are either. But I appreciate the way you tolerate all of us even though we're not geniuses. ;)
He's so cute!!! What a funny little man I get to share a birthday with. :) And I bet his cupcakes are wonderful.
Happy Birthday Griffin!!!
happy birthday, griffin!
happy birth day, griffin's mom!
happy birthday, boy.
and a cracking set of photos, laura
Happy Birthday! Love that last picture.
Great Pictures... &
Happy Birthday to the Big Little Guy!!
Hey that's the cutest 6 year old I've seen all day and trust me I've seen a lot today! Happy Birthday Griffin!!
Happy Birthday Handsome!!!
Happy Birthday Griffin! You are a handsome 6 year old indeed...and if you keep getting more handsome? You will have a social schedule that will keep you busy for sure...
Take a deep breath mom...those years are going to keep flying by...
Happy Birthday Griffin! Have a big year.
Happy Birthday, Kid! You are so cool. I hope you know that.
Happy Birthday Mr G-man!
Happy Birthday BIG BOY! Xxx
happy birthday griffin!
Happy birthday Griffin!
Happy birth day to both of you (hey -- you're the one that was doing the hard work that day). Time just does seem to fly doesn't it?
Happy birthday, Griffin!!
Happy Birthday G-Man...
My god, he has your eyes in triple spades.. i'd say.
Happy B-day Griffin!!
Happy Birthday to your boy! I think he's a keeper.
Happy Birthday Griffin! Laura, I can't believe he is 6! It seems like yesterday you were in the hospital with him! We need to all get together soon!!! Miss you and the boys!
Happy birthday, Griffin! My boys love your silly-face photo!
I'm late to the party but HAPPY BIRTHDAY, GRIFFIN!
Oh lordy lou, he looks EXACTLY like you!!! What a handsome guy and don't you know Max is obsessed with keeping everyone from ruining his Legos too. Sometimes I think they were separated at birth. Except that my kid only eats gluten based foods because that's all he likes and yours would probably die if he ate what Max did.
Happy birthday kiddo!!!!!!
Happy Birthday Griffin, what a smile!!!
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