Last week, we replaced a ton of our return plumbing. Last night, an old pipe burst. Our kitchen sink exploded and the plumber is just gonna have to move in.
As Aaron was leaving this morning, the back door fell off its hinge.
Sixty-five years old and my house is telling me it's ready to retire.
I'll be back on when writing about sewage isn't the center of my life.
postscript: guess who needs to tear out a wall and have the main water valve replaced.... go on, guess!

They dug up my yard. What they needed to fix isn't broken. Now, I get to tear out a wall in the basement and have my main system replaced.
Of course, Aaron's on a business trip.
aw man.... good luck. Sometimes I think I'd rather go back to being a renter.
Isn't that how it always happens, though? It's Muphy's Law.
So sorry. I can totally relate.
Well - that makes the third thing, right? It's supposed to stop after three...
(It never works that way in *my* life, but I'm hoping that you've got better luck than I)
oh, wow, shoot (& other curse words)...that's just not fair!
Things are bound to improve soon. I think the bad-luck-law-law-of-three's has just hit your household, expired itself, and will soon be moving on....
it never ends, does it?!
I sure hope that your homeowners insurance picks up some of the costs. Maybe this is a sign to add on another room or two. I will never understand why things happen when they do or why. So sorry for all of your troubles! Maybe they'll find gold when they dig up your yard. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!!
OMG! I am glad I visited on Friday, and not anytime later..just kidding..I am so sorry. HUGS
At least the plumber is reasonable.
the only thing that is redeeming about all of this, is that you'll only have to do it once. And since that isn't much of a redeemer, I suggest drinking. Earlier in the day the better. OR...upon husband's return, leave for extended trip. ok, I'm kidding! (maybe), there's no way around how sucky life can be with an old house - and yours is only 65! I really do feel your pain.
Never again...
the reason there's no DURING the horror shots is because I went to visit family which was planned long before all hell decided to break loose in our walls.
I am so sorry. I agree with that last comment...go on a long vacation when your husband comes back you are certainly gonna need it!!!
Oh f$#k! Do you think Aaron is psychic? Xxx
holy sh*t that's bad
(and I thought I had it hard with a bust oven and dishwasher - I am off to give thanks for my good fortune NOW!)
Oh, crap! What a nightmare! How long is Aaron gone?
Oh man. That's a BUMMER. Hang in there. I think your man is going to owe you big when he gets back.
That's exactly what my hubby was worried would happen when we got our pipes augered out. I'm thankful it missed us but sorry it seems to have hit you. Hopefully, this will be the last of expensive repairs for a while. And I second the suggestion of having a drink.
Gheeze...this is horrible. When they tear out the wall can they add on something nice, like a solarium? You know, where you'll put your hot tub, so you can relax with a drink? I hope this is the last of the house revolt for a while.
Holy shit. I'm so sorry. How stressful. How unbelievably stressful.
Aw, man! We had to have that same pipe replaced 6 years ago. Our yard is just now getting back to normal. The first year, we dressed the dirt mound up like a gravesite for Halloween.
So are you going to have any old pipes left in your house? That's crazy!
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