And since Griffin was "sick," Darwin decided that he too must be "sick."
And they took full advantage...

... by snuggling on the couch all day and getting constant refills of popcorn.
Sometimes I think I'm too damn nice. Or maybe not.
Every time Griffin got up to do something (other than go to bathroom), I yelled at him to lay back down. I mean, seriously, if you're gonna stay home from school, you're gonna do the time. Right?
And now I'm running a slight fever (lovely). Good thing we don't have any plans this weekend other than stuffing our faces and hanging out at home.
Well...since you were so nice and kept the popcorn rolling yesterday, I think it's someone elses turn to pop you some they make an attatchment for the Easy Bake for that? (that would be soooo cool!)
Who is going to take care of you today??? And yes, if you're gonna skip school, you'd better really be "sick".
Yeah,we were harsh like that, sofa or bed time if you're home sick from school.
That’s right you show those kids whose boss! Honestly though my mom was the same way if you are too sick to go to school then you are too sick to do any but lay down. I still feel guilty if I call in to work & then leave the house. ;)
Feel better!
My poor kid has to come to work with me and then run errands. oops. I did get her cinnamon rolls for breakfast, does that count for anything?
Popcorn for sick kids?Bread and water in our house!!Mean mummy me you know.
Hmmm, maybe you *did* catch it from Bella, because Ash got a fever this afternoon, too.
We watched Tom & Jerry cartoons. Oh yeah.
Poor kids. This recurring sickness thing has got to stop. Isn't it time for spring YET???
Ok. Here it stops, got it?
Everyone gets one day of a little fever and tiredness, and then that's it. No ear infections, pneumonia, strep throat, etc...
Did you hear me?!
(Really, hurry up and feel better...)
Sigh, I want to stuff my face too!!
What? Two boys sat on a couch all day? Seriously?
That ain't so bad. :)
And you are a nice mom...popcorn for sickies? Awesome.
I hope you don't catch anything!
Hanging out + stuffing face = perfect weekend in my book.
My mother was such a mean nurse that I preferred to drag my sick self to school. Still not learned when to quit and take to my bed.
Oh sweeties! You're a good mom, giving them happy "stay home sick from school" memories full of popcorn!
Hope you're feeling better...
i hope you don't get sick. or "sick."
one time taylor said he was sick and needed to stay home from school (i think first grade maybe) and then he started to "play" school by saying the pledge and other school routine things. i said, "if you are well enough to PLAY school, you are well enough to GO TO school. i loaded up the kids and drove him to school. i don't even think he was late! ha i taught him!
Sounds about like what has been going on at my house and my sister's house. I don't have children but I haven't left the bedroom because of the cold or flu that I think I got from my sister's two little boys ( 23 months and 9 1/2 months). Oh well hopefully won't last long.
yeah, but I bet nobody tells you to lie down and brings you popcorn when you're ill, right?
Mother never get THAT ill. Not in this house they don't.
Hope you're better soon!
Awww - they look so cozy. Hope the slight fevers stayed slight and you are all on the road to recover. Happy cozy weekend.
I think doing the time is critical to future "sick" days. If he has fun there will be more of them. I hope you all feel better after stuffing your faces this weekend.
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