Monday, January 01, 2007

Runnin' Down A Dream, it Never Would Come to Me

Once again, I'm having a hard time speaking because my foot is shoved so far up my mouth.

Over the last five days I've spent over 30 hours working on my secret project, only for me to have a major meltdown yesterday and delete everything and start at the basics.

(And to everyone who thought I was pregnant, no and I'm not. And? Ya'll are crazy.)

It's quite obvious to me I'm going to have to work at things slowly, there's a lot I have to learn. I can't get done what I want to be done and it is very frustrating.

This process has taught me quite a lot, like slow down, enjoy life at a slower pace and I can't achieve perfection immediately. All lessons I need to learn, and will strive to try (because, damn, that migraine I got yesterday from my hissy fit was no fun).

So, if you are wondering what my secret project was... it's not how I want it to be. It's going to take a white to build. Hell, I can't even figure out how to get photos on there.

But in lieu of a cookbook (don't get me wrong, I'd love to have a cookbook published and in every bookstore in the world, and I'm hoping this will help me achieve that), I'm working on something else.

(Which will have no cursing. Holy fucking shit, no cursing?!)


Anonymous said...

That's a really exciting thing! Well done you and it's looking good.

Anonymous said...

I think this is a good plan.

Congrats and Happy New Year!

Kim -today's creative blog said...

give yourself a break. It's always hard to accomplish something when you have 2 energetic children, heck it's hard when they are lethargic.
Good luck, can't wait.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on getting it up and running. Perfection can come later, and we all know this site is going to kick ass. All your expertise will make it so.

But, no cursing? I won't know what to do with myself...

PamKittyMorning said...


Good luck with your site. I'm glad we'll still have the blog for the cursing.. because come on.. we need it.

Woofmistress said...

I just sent the link to a friend who's also allergic to gluten. See - you've already got a following!

Soo said...

that's wonderful! congratulations and happy new year!

Anonymous said...

you know, i'm REALLY not hungry (i've eaten way too much in the past 24 hours), but the photo of that soup is making me hungry!!!!

Anonymous said...

Good job on the recipe site. Are you using your flickr account for the pictures... it's much easier in my opinion.

Anonymous said...

Very cool. Congrats and good luck!

Angelina said...

That's a fantastic undertaking!