Come one, you didn't expect me to be positive all the time, did you?
In any case, it is helping and it appears to be making life easier as well. The boys are certainly more content with the added attention and lack of stress on my part, so that's good.

And Griffin is definitely loving my ability to pause and play games too.
I have a whole list of things I hope to accomplish this year (accomplish, not resolutions) and I really need to take the time to write them down and post them here.
(For some reason, this is the only place that I can manage to keep clean and organized. If I post it on the internet, I will be completely unable to lose it. Why do you think I started the recipe site? To organize my recipes. And, to prevent Aaron from yelling at me when I misplace recipes he likes. It's a win-win situation.)
Another thing I hope to do, which will be added in said list, is to start participating in Ali Edward's Weekly Challenge. This week's challenge it to choose a word that you want to focus on for the year. I'm choosing enjoy. I have the hardest time relaxing and just enjoying the process (I think I've been saying that all week). So that's my word, enjoy.
Enjoy is a pretty good word, but it reminds me of the word "joy" which for some reason really makes me want to puke.
I think a blog is a great place to organize your life. It's been working very well for me.
I do kind of fear that Blogger will lose everything. That would probably kill me. So I've started printing out the previous months worth of posts. Back up. Good ol' paper.
Enjoy sounds good. No time like the present.
Hi Suzie F***n Sunshine!
I think my word would have to be STOP as in Stop feeling guilty,stop and relax,stop and smell the roses ...
That is a kick-ass game of Candyland, if I do say so myself, Mme Saccarine. Like that touch. Had a Lord Licorice sort of day over here myself, mind you.
Enjoy...yep, that's a good one. Right now all I can manage is "sleeping children = chocolate for mummy".
I like enjoy it's a good one! Mine... I think finish works for me. Or it would work for me if I actually finished more of what I start around here.
enjoy - that seems pretty embraceable...
such a cool idea.
i have no idea what my word would be.
maybe "unclench"
organization can be overrated. i thrive in a teeny bit of chaos, frankly. keeps me interested.
Good Job Laura! Change is hard! Keep up the good work!
Wonderful Suzy Sunshine! Enjoy is a great word...and so perfect for your new loverly attitude...damn it.
This makes me ponder what my word would be? maybe bliss...
I love the word enjoy. When you enjoy - you are in joy.
I love to play with words.
Have you seen little miss sunshine? Great movie.
You sunshiney girl you. LOL.
Enjoy -- wouldn't you think that should be the easiest thing in the world to do? Odd that it requires effort, but it often does.
Enjoy. It is very hard to slow down and focus on the moment so you can enjoy your life. I hope you have a full year of enjoying yourself, your family, your life!
Oh, and Susie Sunshine, can you send some of that energy my way? I think my son wants to play board games too.
thats a great word, enjoy. have to remind myself that when the dog poops on the carpet for the hundredth time... apparently there is great joy in crapping where you feel like it.
ok... as long as you can be funny AND joyful at the same time... then this will work for me !!!
I hope you enjoy your year, and it turns out to be the best year of your life so far!
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