1. One of my favorite things to eat is baked beans and rice. Seriously, I could live off it. And the worst part? I make the baked beans in the microwave. It's a recipe that came with the "cookbook" with our first microwave when I was a kid.
2. Aaron and I don't share blankets when we sleep. He likes a comforter, I like a quilt. I also have to layer the quilt between my legs and wrap it around me. And I rub my feet together to get comfortable in bed.
3. I have a slight obsession with popping pimples and getting ear wax out of ears. I've even been known to pick ear wax out of my friends' children's ears. Yeah, it's really bad. What is even worse perhaps, when I was giving birth to Griffin and he was crowning my OB told me to look in that evil mirror to watch. I told her I didn't want to, but she talked me into it. The first thing I saw was not a baby coming out of my girlie bits, oh no -- it was a monstrous pimple on my inner thigh. And I tried to talk a nurse, Aaron, the doctor, anyone into popping it for me, while I continued to push.
4. I started collecting Pez dispensers when I was three years old. The last time I counted was nearly ten years ago and I gave up once I got to 657.
5. I love cleanness and organization, but I have a pile-building habit. I will pile and pile and pile stuff and become so terrified of it, I'll leave it there for months. Case in point:

It's my goal to tackle it today. Really. There's a lot of stuff in there I want to read.
6. When Aaron and I fight, like get into a really good fight, I start crying and go clean the kitchen cabinets. I cry and scream at him while I sit there scrubbing, scrubbing, scrubbing. I guess I should be happy the cabinets are so dirty right now.
I'm suppose to tag six people to do this. I'm not really good at tagging, I always feel like I'm gonna piss someone off. So don't feel obligated to do it if you are tagged...
Or if you weren't tagged but would like to be tagged, consider yourself tagged.
Now, to go tackle that damn pile...
Thank you for not tagging me. I really don't have time for self-analysis/expression today.
But thanks for sharing. :)
Hello, fellow pile person! It's funny how menacing a pile becomes once it's been formed ... it starts to live and breathe and threaten to bite, just like the house in Monster House. Be careful sticking your hand in there.
You're wonderful!! I love your list...it's just making me chuckle...which I need before I head off to work...yeah, the pimple thing? Oh yes...and the piles of stuff? I can totally relate!
Ok, number 3 is a little weird ;)
I'm tackling some (many!) piles right now!!
How do you make your bed with two different blankets on it?
I'm a compulsive ear-wax remover too - my family have taken to running away, covering their ears when they see me approaching...
I have a pimple popping obsession as well. I love popping zits! The more grotesque, the better.
yeah, you're a freak.
now to think up my weirdness...
YOu just get weirder and weirder....:)
I kid.
I'll think on my weirdness.
Number five. Oh yeah. Piles haunt me everywhere I go. Because I keep making them.
That stack is nothing! Go organize.
So did the pile eat you or what?
I was so laughing at your list. I can so see you trying to birth a baby & asking for a pimple to be popped! Priceless!
I am a pile person too, unfortunately.
I"m not pissed off at all - in fact, I'm flattered that you thought of me!
Of course, I'm not going to actually do it - but that's another story altogether... :)
(actually, I've just gotten started on the "100 things about me" list which I hope to have done by the end of the month/my blogiversary. And trust me, there are way more than 6 weird things. I'm not done with the list, but so far with what I've got, it's about 75% weird stuff...)
there's nothing weird about me ... i'm perfectly normal. ha ha ha ha!!!
okay, i'll play.
That's a lot of Pez. I don't know if you should ever look too closely at Elise's ears. :) We let things get kinda waxy -- I figure, the wax is a natural barrier, so I only bother it when it *really* gets visible.
Laughing so hard at your pimple thing. You are hilarious!
OMG. LOL. Ok - you and my sister with the pimple thing. Her fntasy is for all her pores to pop at once. EWWWWWW. And have you ear candled??? You would LOVE it! Oh - and piling, they say creative people pile. I consider myself a creative genius then, :-0
I get piles like that, too, and then I fear them. I wish the piles would fear me.
You freakin hilarious in a good way... I can relate to almost that entire list...though when i get mad I do the dishes...or dust.
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