Disclaimer: Instead of writing the Universe a bitch-out letter (which is what I really want to do after finding out that YES, Griffin needs Occupational Therapy for Sensory Integration Disorder and YES, it is severe, and that - surprise! - for once I'm not bat-shit crazy, but still really pissed off at the situation), I have decided to try a go at creating good karma. So... 
An Advent Calendar for Non-Christians (because we all need to celebrate
The Creationism that is Constructionism)... Actually, I am open-minded enough to have an Advent Calendar with Santas, trees and other holiday paraphernalia; I just thought it would be a good idea to let a three-year old pick out which calendar he wanted to do. So this year, to get us in the holiday spirit, we will be constructing constructions workers, buildings and forklifts. HapHapHappy Holidays! (Actually, I am rather disappointed I will not be getting to make pretty sparkly snowflakes and polar bears. Construction workers? WTF?)
For December First...
Yes. That would be a firefighter. To remind you to turn off your Holiday Tree lights, lest you want a visit from him.
As for the other child...
Darwin's getting to be a wee too much clever for his age.
Aaron? You can come home from that business trip. NOW.
I didn't know Lego made Advent calendars. I love the construction workers! Do they have any with a pagan theme? ;)
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