Aaron likes to go before we've had a frost to kill the vines (so, he got his wish).
I like to go when it's not dusty (I did not get my wish).

And the kids had a blast.

There's only so many words necessary when discussing the awesomeness that is the pumpkin patch.
oh the madness!
cute stuff - we're hoping to go this week!
Cute, cute. Love the pictures of pumpkin patches.
Do you carve?
We went this weekend too, right before William totally lost his voice. It was awesome.
Which patch do you visit?
I get totally excited about all things Fall. That pumpkin patch looks awesome!
I love that last photo - it's Darwin aka Captain Pumpkin, Superhero.
Wonder what his magic powers would be...
I'm so glad you had a blast and you have cute pumkins too, of the 2 legged and orange kind.
I've been trying to find an itty bitty baby pumkin at the store and they charge 3 bucks for a freaking pumkin no bigger than my fist?
Great pictures! It looks like such fun.
Rebecca F.
what a cool way to spend a day...we don't have this over here, we miss out on soooo much
Schaakes? (However you spell that?)
Eliot's class is going on the 14th. Last year is was so muddy that we just had a hayrack ride around the patch and then came back to the barn to pick out our pumpkins. It kinda sucked.
I love pumpkin patches. I haven't been yet. Guess it's time to get out there and thump a few squash and run rampant through the vines!
We did our pumpkin patch yesterday. Fun times. :) In my dreams I live on a pumpkin farm with apple trees and chickens and goats... Mabye when I am 70 I'll finally be able to fufill my longtime pumpkin farm living dream only I'll be to damn old to enjoy it.
Oh...lucky you! They didn't renew the water rights for our big pumpkin patch here instead deciding that a housing development would be better...
I want a pumpkin patch. I don't know one around here. Sigh. :(
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