Don't get me wrong, they are really pretty and smell good up close... but there's something about paperwhites that make the whole house smell like poo.
All weekend Aaron was running around trying to find the smell and I was all, "dude, it's the flowers" and he was all "Darwin! Come here! Let me smell your toes!"
::blink, blink::
I swear it's the flowers.
I have to agree, they have this total undertone of stink, most flowers in the lily family do.
It IS the flowers. I can't have them in my house because thats. all. I. smell. But they're pretty.
haha. yup. poopy flowers all right. my husband was not happy last time i forced them in the house!
I sort of always thought they smelled like piss. Or am I thinking of a different flower?
They DO smell. My friend in college got those every year, and they reeked! Ick.
We call them jonquils in Australia.
You're right though, you either love or hate the smell. There's absolutely no in between. Personally, I love them.
But my kids are years past from that hideous tiolet training thing. The smell just means pretty flowers to me...
That is SO funny! I love the smell of jonquils but my mother always says they smell like poo. I CAN smell what she's smelling, but only if I really try :)
Oh, but they're so pretty...did he buy them for you?
There's a bush around here that smells like rotting meat when it blooms...let him know that he should be thankful that you didn't bring that in the house...
I totally agree! They only smell good if there's only one of them, and you keep it in the attic so that you only get the slightest whiff. I once went to a January funeral and I SWEAR everyone had sent paperwhites. The whole place STUNK. Yuck!
That reminds me of the odor of boxwoods. Most people say they smell like cat urine, but I think they smell like dog poo.
A group of friends recently tried to sit outside a restaurant for a chat, but the smell of the boxwoods rapidly changed our plans!
We had to put ours on the front porch! None of the family could stand the smell! They are only nice in pictures!
I totally agree. I just forced some about a month ago, and sweared my dog took a dump somewhere that I couldn't see! Turns out - yep - the paperwhites!
Good to know! (Can you tell I never have flowers in my house... the cats always try to eat them:) They look pretty though...
I love them but you are absolutely right they do smell yuk - but I can put up with them (and the occasional burst of oust) because they are so pretty!
Blooming Bradford pear trees smell funky too.
A lot of flowers smell a little "off." They're designed to attract bugs, after all. But at least you have the consolation of knowing it's not real poo.
You could make a bouquet of them with a few branches of box. You know, that one that smells like cat pee.
oh yeah - they totally reek.
but they're one of the few things I can grow and get to bloom before I kill them, so I still force 'em each winter...
I did not know this. That's a shame; they're so pretty. It's a trade-off, I guess.
Hmmm... you think it's a poo smell? I think it's straight up piss. Like urinal-spillage-at-the-stadium-in-the-ninth-inning-stench piss. Unfortunately, my husband loves them. We have seven bulbs peeing up my kitchen right now.
They smell exactly like ASS. I don't think that's what Martha Stewart calls it though. :)
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