I was suppose to play and meet friends today. Did that happen? Hells no, it did not.
A surprise snow (oh, don't worry, no accumulations MY ASS) came in, with the added bonus of a wind advisory, and ruined it all and instead I spent the afternoon shoveling and freezing my ears.
Winter. What a bitch.
Now your crap is headed my way. Bastards. Actually I like snow if it keeps me home from work...fat chance of that happening! Stay warm...were waiting for those 50 mile an hour winds!
no kidding. the snow was coming in sideways there for a while. Sorry your plans were cancelled...mine too. blah.
It's hard for me to imagine living in a place where weather can keep you at home. We have blistering hot days sometimes, and heavy rain (though we want more... we're in a drought) but it must be so strange to wake up and be stuck in your own house.
And 50 mile an hour winds.... that's just uncivilised. Come and live in Melbourne. It's summer here....
GURL, I am pretty sure that greece doesn't have snow. Where is it on the equator? I think it's below Africa.
Get packing!
Ick! We went from a record high of 73 at noon yesterday to 28 within a 3-hour period AND under Tornado advisor to boot. How eff'd up is that? Now it feels like an artic blast has hit us and we are waiting on your snow to hit us. I'm sooo over Winter!
I thought I would be cold today at 39*. I guess I shouldn't complain anymore. We only get snow here like once every 5 years or so (if we're lucky).
I hear you! If I hear one more person cheering about the snow I may have to take drastic measures. Snow, wind, ice are highly over rated.
I feel your pain...really. Grew up in Wisconsin, spent 10 years in Minnesota, 7 years in the land of ICE RAIN (Wash, DC), then 2 in Vermont...it took nearly 20 years to get it through my thick skull that I hate winter...I now live in Phoenix, AZ, where all I get to complain about is the occasional rain.
my math skills are lacking...duh.
I'm not 20! The first 21 years were in Wisconsin freezing, so I went to MN so I could freeze some more...
Aidin's school holiday program "december gifts" was cancelled due to weather, was re-scheduled for yesterday and cancelled, due to weather. We'll try again on Monday. She's been reciting her 4 line piece for so long that Eliot has it memorized. Geez!
You SO need to move here...it snowed on and off all day, with absolutely no accumulation...
Of course, I still froze off my ears!
I guess we are in for more tomorrow. This is getting old!
I'm sorry about all the snow!
I hate Winter and it's not even that cold here. I hope Summer comes soon! What happened to Global Warming?
Oh c'mon, you know you love to freeze your ass- you know that when I have snow and you don't you're totally jealous!!!!
Well I wish I had your snow. We did get some though so I shouldn't complain.
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