And in all the sets we've ever owned, we've only missed one brick, which they replaced for free.
We had the piano man over today. ::gulp:: To get the piano up to where it should be would cost over a thousand dollars.

I don't have a thousand dollars. Certainly nothing close to that to spend on the piano. So we're gonna try to get it better and be happy with Good Enough.
(Oh, if only I could always be as happy with Good Enough as I will be with the piano. ::sigh::)

Lots of napping this weekend, lots of people feeling better and a little bit of happy crafting.
that sucks about your piano. I finally sold mine, I could'nt afford a tune up or lessons...ha! Glad to hear you got a nap in, and some crafting...have a great week!
I WISH my husband liked HIM, we always like the same music (our first date was a NIN concert), but he is being resistant, probably because I am obsessed. Ha! I am glad to know I don't have the only nerd husband, ha ha! Anyway, you NEED to get some of their tunes, I am sure you will like them!!!
i read happy slapping. obviously not right. is it a light shade? it's real nice x
Glad you're all feeling better. What does your piano need done besides tuning?
I understand about the piano thing. I have a 1913 upright grand piano. The piano guy told us that the bass strings needed replacing. $850.00 for just that!
Needless to say that will have to wait! Happy Patent Day!!
OmG! I saw that craft on that website..Hello my name is.... well you know where I saw it, nice work it looked like too much for me, I would rather be cooking..lame I know!
we dodged a bullet with the whole piano thing and had it cost less than what we thought. i'm sure that will come back and bite me in the ass sooner or later.
if only we could learn to be happy with "Good Enough"... (when you figure out that secret, let me know???)
Glad your continuing to mend, and yay! for little crafties!
1st time here. now i've got to check back. (another blog fav.)have a happy week!
Good enough is so much easier!
I am lucky that we have a piano tuner in the family.Helps alot!
I just remembered that my step-dad used to use me a child labour to strip the pianos down and re-felt etc.Maybe I could pop over and fix it for you!?
yeeeeah. WE never called anyone about our piano because we knew we wouldn't be able to afford it. sigh.
Happy crafting is good though! :)
Ahhh the cost of tunning!!!scary.
I have been making these balls today to...
go lego! it's your birthday!
crafts = good
good enough = better than it was
enjoy all the good and better in your little world. And tell the wind to stop already! Geez!
Good Gravy! That would make it a "grand" piano...hahahaha
(yeah, I won't quit my day job)
love the paper ball thingy. Was it a kit or did you cut all those damn cirlces out yourself??
I had no idea it cost that much to fix a piano! Eek. I don't even know how much they cost new. (obviously more than I can afford)
I thought about you when I saw the Google logo legos!
My piano is so off-key that it is in tune with my son's trumpet. At least something matches.
we're spoiled piano-wise because my dad is a tuner/rebuilder/all around piano obsessive. i don't even play. but the piano he got me sounds good!
thanks for the heads up about legos at wonderscope. we haven't been there in way too long.
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