Although, I do believe, a five-year-old's meltdown very well could have.

Griffin decided to build some of his legos today (yes, we buy Legos over his age). An hour into the building extravaganza he had a total meltdown. On number six and it was totally wrong.
So I spent the next two hours helping.

Of course by "helping" I mean "parental preventative maintenance in brick control and proper engineering techniques."

Also known as, that little punk wouldn't let me do any of the building.
mum and dad were only allowed to find the right coloured two-ers and one-ers for us when we were building. it's what they did best.
by the way, what is it?
oh, it's a scorpion.
the instructions had five different creatures in it and i think this is the only one that didn't need our missing piece.
(missing piece! since when does lego have missing pieces?!)
Dang...tough little guy...has a melt down AND won't let you touch the pieces? Doesn't he know you've been all sick and it would have helped you feel better? Well, it does look good anyway...
I helped a father put together a transformer on Christmas night after the kiddo was asleep. 5 and up it said on the package and it took the two of us with the directions to put it together...this is after the 5 year old tried was HARD!!
dude, now I know what I'm hypothetically getting you for your birthday!! Your own legos!!!!!!!!!!!
I am afraid of Legos. And meltdowns. I think it's because I'm maybe 12 years old on the inside, most days.
Dangit I'd be writin' LEgo a letter telling them how you're the biggest fan of Legos and how they screwed up and there's a piece missing and all and how it totally screws up your whole freakin' year and all that. Seriously.
Your son is lucky, I am pretty sure I could not have helped mine. You must be a mechanical engineer or something.
That is too cool. Not the meltdown, the scorpion. I like the big spider on their website, too. If we got that I'd be hiding from the kids so I could put it together!
That's a great Lego scorpion.
We've been having some pretty impressive melt downs around here.
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