For 2008 I've become The List Master.
Seriously, I'm so tired of feeling like I'm crumbling under towers of shit. It's a frightening feeling actually, to feel crippled by your home. So, to help remedy it, I made this on my basement door...
... now, these aren't resolutions -- they are GOALS. You know, goals. Things you want to accomplish but you aren't gonna make yourself feel like shit if you don't. Yeah, THOSE.
It took me a damn week to come up with them.
Very good you can just scratch things off as you complete them. That will give you a great sense of accomplishment.
dude. I want to see photos of you cutting down a walnut tree. Or streaming video. whatever.
you know, i zoomed in on your pic so that i could read the goals, and realized: several of the Personal Goals can be combined, thus making the list less overwhelming and giving measurable objectives to accomplish, so the goals (or Plan) are not too big or vague.
Here's an Example...
Goal: Increase Overall Physical
Measureable Objective:
Exercise ___ days a week
Steps: Yoga 2 day week
Walk 3 day week
Meditate daily, beginning w/ 5 minutes per day until I've reached 20
Goal: blah blah...something about
Active Hobbies
Measurable Objectives:
Decrease # of TV hours/week
Steps: Learn to Can
Cut down Walnut Tree
See... If you do some of these, it will automatically lead to others!!
Now, for my OWN goal of becoming a Personal Coach!!! HA!
Hey Laura, that is some awesome listing, and this from a compulsive list making queen! One of mine list items is to be better about staying on top of my blogline subscriptions (as it currently tells me there are over 3000 posts to read - what the?!) so sorry I haven't been commenting of late. Have enjoyed catching up on your hilarious antics once again. Hopefully more usual reading will now be resumed. Mainly just so I can see how that list crossing off goes.
Awesome girl!! How good is it going to feel to cross those off the list? I had a list of things to do last year, and accomplished most of them (except the biggie of painting the house...I hope that's a this year accomplishment) Take good pictures and keep us all updated on the cross-offs...
THAT is fuckin impressive!
Very good list! Good luck with that! I can't wait to see what Aaron has to say about cleaning out his cave and all shit! Lol.
Bloody hell. I'm exhausted just contemplating them. Someone pass the remote.
Welldone my friend!
I love your handwriting!
I think that these are ambitious, but I think they are also do-able. I'm impressed with your ability to plot things out so clearly, too.
I'll be cheering you on as you start knocking stuff off the lists!
Those are some impressive lists. I need to start making my own, but I know they're going to be scary. (I think I will add "Clean up residue from 64 ounce bottle of maple syrup that shattered on the floor" just so I get credit for that. Not my fault I dropped it before I made my list.)
Wow, that's a lot of stuff. Good luck!
Those are some pretty impressive lists! :) I will be cheering you on (from the sidelines, since I am too lazy to make such impressive goals for myself;).
How sad am I that I looked at yours and totally stole some of your ideas...but it made me do it...thanks!
Oh yeah and I'm with crockpot lady...that would be entertainment!
Lists are the best remedy against chaos.
I need to make some similar lists just to get some crap out of my head.
First goal: get off the computer and fold some damn laundry.
awesome list...hey thats some organisational work just putting the list together.
Suzie Sews
I am so good at making lists... Now if I could learn to actually get something DONE on one of my lists...
Maybe your goal-achieving will insire mine...
Good luck!
(found your blog while blog-hopping to avoid doing something on one of my lists... )
Please! Your lists are not that long... mine would need two doors. And yes they are goals too. Expectations get us to where we need to go, or some such hooey.
Your lists scare me. I'd hide them in the basement, too.
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