Wednesday, November 08, 2006

All I Wanna Do is to Thank You

I hope you are sitting down. Because what I'm about to tell you is shocking. Simply shocking. More shocking, perhaps, than Britney filing for divorce from K-Fed. Seriously.

Are you sitting? No liquids in your mouth?

Are you sure?

Really, really sure?

Okay, then...

I finished sewing my thank you gifts.

I know.


Shocking, right?

Now, are you ready for the unveiling?

Really ready?

Absolutely ready?

Okay, then....

Patchwork pincushions using 1930's repro fabrics.

As you may recall, my foot got broken back in June after an interesting afternoon at the park. I received many wonderful get-well gifts from my blogging friends. I wanted to properly thank everyone and these are what I came up with.

Each one has been tested by my children for durability and whackability (sans the buttons, of course). And I'm sending one to each person that sent me a parcel.

Of course, I did make one extra...

... to be sent to a commenter as a general thank you to everyone for reading and commenting here.

Simply leave a comment to this post. I'll be drawing names on Saturday afternoon.


Anonymous said...

Amazing pincushions! I love the vintage repos. I am making a patchwork quilt top with them. Your pincushions are so wonderful.

Anonymous said...

well, I am sorry I didn't know you back in June when you broke your foot. I have been following the progress of it getting better though. So, I am very jealous of the people that will be getting these wonderful pin cushions. I seem to have a pin cushion at just about ever station of my house. Though it never fails, when I am at said station, seem to be without pin cushion. The recipients, (sp) enjoy!!! YOu lucky ducks. Just so you know, you crack me up every day, well, most days when you have something funny to say.
Can you believe Briteney and K-Fed are over??? I was really shocked when I read that yesterday, so sad..... now hopefully her boys will know that pants that fit are so much more cooler than those that hang down so low you look like a big ole honkin moron!!!!

PamKittyMorning said...

I know, I practically cried when I heard about Brit and K-Fed. I mean really, who saw that coming? Sigh.

Love the pincushions! Super cute.

Anonymous said...

Now I wish I'd sent you a parcel too!!Of course I'd love my name in the draw I do have a growing collection of pin-cushion from my fav bloggers(+ you are one of my favs!)I know ,I know I'm shameless!

Elsie Larson said...

Do you have a pattern for your pincushions or did you freestyle it? I've seen a few different ones on sites but I didn't realize how popular they were among the DIY and scrapbooking world. You did a great job on these.

Ali said...

Wow - they look great and what a lot. That's a real labour of love and you are one popular blogger-lady!

LLA said...

ACK! Adorable!!! I might not know anything about fabric, much less 1930's repro fabric - but I know terrific when I see it, and that, girlfriend, is some mighty fine looking work...

I'm so impressed - that was quite an undertaking!
(and totally unnecessary, you know. All anyone who sent you a package really wanted was for you to hurry up and get back on your feet, and you fulfilled your end of the bargain quite nicely... that having been said, they are so cute! Everyone will be thrilled!)

Anonymous said...

You are seriously psychotic to piece together all those itty bitty pieces for pincushions for us. Seriously. I am in awe. Seriously. No wonder it took you forever. I wouldn't even know where to start.

And you know, people weren't nice to you because they expected some reward. People were nice because we like you. And we genuinely wanted you to feel better - and soon!

Seriously. I'm in awe. You rock - and not just in your post titles.

Anonymous said...

So cute! Can I be in your drawing, even though I'm a loser that didn't send anything? :) I don't have a pin cushion! (I don't know how that's possible.)

Man, I can barely get thank-you notes out in a timely manner...

Anonymous said...

i literally gasped. literally.

those are WONDERFUL. that fabric is amazing.

dude, i didn't know you when you had the broken foot! just after it was almost healed and you had The Boot® (man I'm going nuts with the trademark thing today).

so cool.

and the spederline crash was So Not a Surprise. ; )

Anonymous said...

They ARE gorgeous! (I got one already- nanny nanny boo boo.) I love it!

heatherfeather said...

super cute! and they're good for whacking! that's an all-purpose gift right there, let me tell ya.

Anonymous said...

Those are awesome pincushions! But then, people who can sew always fill me with awe. ;)

I don't have any concern with Britney or whats-his-name at all. The celebrity-watching lobe of my brain is busy watching politics right now!

Oil Cloth Junkie said...

They are beautiful. I would love to be in your drawing too. I can't imagine putting all of those together and in such a gorgeous way. Pat yourself on the back for a wonderful job done!

Angelina said...

I'm so envious of the super powers you have decided to use for good! Why oh why can I not make such fine quilty things myself?

You will be my inspiration today as I dive into my dizzying project of making as many baby doll blankets as I can before my fingers melt off my hands.

Anonymous said...

with all you've been through... you're a saint. Or mad.

They're beautiful.

beki said...

Holy cow, those are fabulous!!!

Anonymous said...

LAURA!! Those are wonderful!! No wonder they took you forever - they look really, really hard -- all that piecing and then cutting again and piecing again! Craziness! My goodness. Well, they will be treasured. Congratulations on crossing off that task from your to-do list. Now, on to Thanksgiving planning. :-)

diana said...

oh Laura... those are the cutest cutest nicest nicest most thoughtful thank you gifts.... you are just a ole softie.... your secret is out !!!

Anonymous said...

they are freaking adorable! i can't believe you did patchwork on them all. are you insane????? they are great, though, and worth the effort. and cool fabric choice.

and i have to say that i thought you were announcing that you were pregnant!!!!!!! :-) better you than me!!

Marshamlow said...

omg, that is way too much work! I would go blind with all those tiny little pieces. You could sell those things on your blog and make a killing. Capello pin cushions. I am such a capitalist.

kirsten said...

What a huge project! I'm very impressed indeed. They are really lovely, Capello :)

Watchoo talkin' about, Britney and K-Fed? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Get. Out. Of. Town.

Toni said...

Ackkk! c-Ute!! Really, I'm smitten.

Kim -today's creative blog said...

Very very cool! Those look so hard. Amazing work.

Elsie Larson said...

When you finish making your inside out jammies, send us a pic. I am so curious.

Chickenbells said...

Good heavens...I'm sorry I wasn't in on the general sending of the packages during the broken foot incident! Howeve, am happy to be included in a drawing wonderful are these??? And all set up together? Breathtaking...I suppose I'd better get sewing too...thanks for the inspriation!

Anonymous said...

Laura--they are all so beautiful. I got my B-Day gift and my pin cushion today! It is awesome! I love both gift. They are exactly what I needed!

I too thought you were going to say you were pregnant and I was like . . .

Hey, she didn't call and tell me first, but then I thought, no way, not possible.

I will call you later. I miss you so much!!

Your Wisconsin Best Friend :)

Soo said...

What a great stash of fabrics you must have! Love the pincushions, looks like a lot of work.....where do you find the time? !

Anonymous said...

They are just 'sew' lovely, gosh and quite a few, thats a lot of thank yous. I feel inspired, if I hurry my house work I might get to sewing room and get something cut out...thats about as far as I get this week, I already have a bag to sew up...Thanks for the inspiration.
Suzie Sews

Berber said...

Yay, for finishing them!!
They are wonderful and the fabrics you used are just lovely!

Anonymous said...

Wow! I love them. Now I know why you had so many tiny little scraps hanging around. I can't believe you did patchwork pincushions, you are awesome!

Meegan Blue said...

My dear, those are a-dorable! I love your fabric choices and the shape is perfect and cushiony! All those folks who sent you parcels will be very, very happy. And you are a good one for thanking them with something so special. Bravo!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Wow, Capello - you've done a fantastic job. I'm really impressed. Are you going to post a tutorial or something? They look great.

Leanne said...

(swoooohhhhhhhh) OK, that's me gasping in sheer delight! It's no secret that 30's fabrics are my absolute favorite of all time, but your pincushions just put me over the edge of crafting ecstasy!!! You are the goddess, I swear.

Did I miss the breaking news story? OMG!!! K-Fed and Brit-Bit are over? Whatever shall we do with no reason to buy People magazine anymore? OH, I know--continue on with life as usual, because lord knows no one really gives a crap about those two idiots anyway. I just feel sorry for those poor babies...

Very Mary said...

I'm one of your under-the-radar readers, but I'm up for the contest!

Mia said...

Whoo hoo... how could I resist entering? But.. um... that is seriously a LOT of work you did there to say thank you to people... pretty darn cool.

Anonymous said...

Hey - I know the drawing is over. But, I just caught wind (and now sight) of these pin cushions... and they are SOOO cute. They're fabulous. You said copyrighted... book?

Joanna said...

I've been seeing your pincushions all over blogland and just wanted tell you how absolutely gorgeous they are! Lucky recipients. You rock, Laura!

Anonymous said...

These are so cute!