I know, I know, it's "the glare." Well, it would be "the glare" if it was only one window. But it's eight windows distributed on each side of the house.
Perhaps they just want to help me prime the entry room. Hmmmm....
We are finally doing better. And by "we" I mean me and Griffin; still congested but no more fevers. Darwin's sick now. Up at 5:05 in the morning ready to cough, puke and party.
Welcome to my new mantra: this is life with kids, this is life with kids, this is life with kids...
And this is how the day is going...

... at least he's specifically requesting it. He "wants to calm down."
Obviously, Daddy needs to come home.
Oh, he looks so sweet.
There's this artist, I forget her name, who is autistic and she designed a chair that you sit down in and it hugs you. Maybe I'll try to find her name.
oh dear...is that a little calling card left by a bird on your window? How exactly do they do that? I mean, I understand cars and whatnot...but sideways...it's questions like this that keep you up at night. Well, that and all the puking...I think it's time for daddy to come home! (wait...unless he gets sick too)
At least 2/3 of you feel better. And he WANTS to calm down. That has to be half the battle. I hope daddy makes it home soon. And why is it that god keeps raining on our pumpkin patch? I'm thinkin' screw it - we'll buy pumpins at HyVee.
Cheers, my dear!
alicia, are you thinking of temple grandin's hugging machine?
That's progress, right? Recognising a need and asking for help? I'm glad you and Griffin are feeling better.
Good gravy, how cute is that?! Seriously, though, NOBODY likes to feel out of control, so whatever you can do to help him feel calmer has to be a good thing!
one more to go and all will be well! no more sickness.
Love the burrito therapy.......the new calm down method.
So glad most of you are feeling better.
omg.... that is the cutest picture !!!
ah - two down, one to go....
(glad the majority of you are feeling better...)
now the big question is - when Aaron gets home, are you all going to share the love? :)
So glad you're feeling better...mostly. And I think I'd like to be a burrito too. I'd be unable to do the laundry...or the cleaning...or the cooking...for a while--and someone could feed me chocolate mint ice cream with a spoon!
Being wrapped up in a quilt like that seems very appealing just now, only I'd want it over my ears too.
snug like a bug in a rug
Yep, burrito is the word that came to my mind when I saw the picture too! That's what we used to do with the little babies to calm them down, right? All wrapped up like they were still safe inside momma. Glad you are feeling better. Somebody deserves flowers and/or chocolate for this sucky weekend!
Awww... Griffin is a sweetheart who knows his limits! He looks all snuggly and adorable wound up in a blanket. I hope Darwin feels better quickly and that you get a longer night's sleep without fevers, puke and sputtle.
I'd say more about the birds but they only recently started leaving me alone. I don't want to piss them off.
at least he's wrapped in style!!!
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