... the next minute he is rolling on the floor and biting his brother.
I've written before about Griffin and his Sensory Integration Disorder and not-fully-diagnosed "borderline autism." It has been getting better. But then there are days. Days. Days like today where banging my head against the wall sounds like a really good idea.
Well, it must have been a good idea because Griffin took it upon himself, after apologizing to Darwin, to bang a hard dinosaur against his head. When I took it away, it starting punching himself in the face. Lovely.
So I did what any well-trained parent would do. I got out a big quilt, made him lay on the edge with his arms down and I rolled him up and sat him on the couch for ten minutes.
It totally worked. He's been good and behaving ever since.
But still. Fuck yo, that was some tough shit right there.
(You may notice ::cough, cough:: over there on the right column there's an ad... I've been approved [I say approved because it makes me feel special] from BlogHerAds to display advertising. After today, I think the funds are going to Occupational Therapy for Griffin. Or, you know, food. That pesky eating habit.)
That sounds like a really good idea, the quilt rolling. LIke it would help him get himself in control.
You know what I admire about you is how you're always taking what clearly is hard situation being made even harder with a traveling spouse and some how motoring on thru with a positive attitude. Always infusing your situation with humor and just, well getting on with it. No massive down feeling sorry for yourself stuff.. I'm not talking about the grumbling now and then by there's none of that WHY ME thing going on with you.
And hey, approved by officials!!!Wow, you do rock.
Oh, yeah, and if I could ship the nearly 90 degree weather to you I would.
Our little girl has sensory stuff,too. She is totally overstimulated by busy visual fields, and this makes her RUN AWAY. Laughing demonically. Towards danger. Once, she ran TOWARDS A HIGHWAY.
I know some docs think that the Wilbarger protocol is a bunch of hooey, but it really does seem to help our little girl. The key is to implement it proactively. With her, at least there are warning signs- not, apparently, like Griffin.
Rolling him up in a quilt is something that is listed as part of a sensory diet! Did you read that somewhere, or hear about it from your OT? Have you read The Out of Sync Child?
Good luck- yours is always the first blog I read. xoxox
With my little guy, I send him to bounce on the bed, hoppity hop around the house and wheelbarrow walk in the living room. Good for you remembering the quilt instead of screaming at him, which I'm sure was what we would all want to do.
excellent therapeutic response....
the rolling him in a quilt that is !!!
My son has SI issues as well. The way I have felt lately, I would have yelled at my son or stomped out of the room... not exactly appropriate mommy behavior. Rolling him up in a blanket like you did Griffin would be a better choice. When I am thinking correctly, I usually let him 'crash' on the bed like Linda. I really need to reread The Out of Sync Child again.
I thought I had a bad day after a nightmare 45 minutes at the barber shop - lets just say I'm not sure he'll want to see us again.. - but hey, you put me to shame. I really admire your ability to surf through it all. You might get wet... but you do it. I feel like I'm constantly sinking to the bottom.
Good luck - I hope the ads do bring in revenue for OT. And more get well wishes.
Therapeutic Burrito Baby.. seems like like my favorite way to continue to cope when I am overstimulated and lashing out at the world myself. In a quilt, on the couch.
Nicely done.
And congrats on the income. May more income come soon..
I didn't know you were dealing with the sensory issues with Griffin -- I guess I need to read all your archives. You have a lot on your plate! Your sense of humor really serves you well -- hold on to that!
a cocoon for a boy! you know, babies like it and it comforts them. maybe there's a connection somehow ...
Ah yes...the blanket burrito...I've read about it many times. Good for you remembering it when you needed it. You sure do have your hands full huh? It's a good thing you have a great sense of humor. Are you all feeling better now? physically anyway?
blogherads? huh? Whatever it is I hope you get some loot from it!
i'm pretty sure you DO NOT have to click. i get paid by how many original hits i get in a day (or week) (or month) (hmm... maybe i should read that fine print a little better...)
our OT told me about the quilt trick. we don't do it often -- just when he's being a personal threat. when he acts crazy we make him jump on the trampoline (if we can get darwin off of it). our OT also thinks Darwin has SI issues. ha! big surprise.
i have read "the out of sync child" very good. it's very good to have on hand as a resource too.
Ah, ha! I knew the BlogHer Ad Network would help me find new blogs!
I have a son who has sensory stuff going on. He has been diagnosed with PDD-NOS, which is not a correct description of what is going on!
I look forward to reading more about your experiences with similar things.
Good thinking. I surely would have screamed.
Good luck with the ads. I filled out the initial paper work, but never faxed in my tax stuff. Let me know how it goes!
What a great idea! I knew a little boy with sensory integration problems, and putting on socks in the morning was a 15 minute ordeal at least. His mother had to brush him twice a day with one of those soft baby brushes to help him as well...You are doing an amazing job with both the boys...keep it up! I would think it takes a lot not to just run out of the house screming!
congratulations! I hope you make a lot of money!
Schecky used to have anger management issues... the blanket trick was a God send...
(and I still can't believe that I can say that my five year old had anger management issues and keep a straight face. But I can. )
I need to get my daughter into OT so someone can teaching me the %*^&* brushing technique. It might work well for your son too. My friends 2 ye old is now getting brushed every 2 hours and teh transformation in him is insanely amazing
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