Aaron and Griffin made quite the Halloween decorations this weekend...

... and Griffin even "helped" me with this

... which required a lot of x-acto knife work. Oy. I still have blisters.
Friday was great -- I spent the afternoon out of the house running errands By Myself. The joy.
On Saturday, while we were loading the children in the van, on the way to the pumpkin patch, I felt something on my chest, which I swatted away. As I was buckling Darwin in, I felt something furry on my arm... it was a massive honey bee. At least three feet long. And beadie eyes bigger than marbles. Honest. And very pissed off. And the fucker stung me. Which sent me into hysterics...
"Why do you need the EpiPen?
"BECAUSE I'M GOING TO DIE!" ::sobbing::
Hmm. Yeah. We're really organized in this house. Have I mentioned how fabulous our communication skills are in the midst of a crisis?
Anyway, amazingly enough -- I didn't die. And I didn't get the EpiPen either. Aaron gave me a triple dose of Benadryl because he didn't want to take me to the hospital (ah, such a nice, loving husband -- yes?). And then I took a four hour nap.
I woke up just in time to make an appearance (sans costume) at Alicia's fabulous Halloween party (which I also didn't take a ton of photos. I'm such a disappointment this weekend).
Then Sunday we finally made it to the pumpkin patch, followed by a birthday party.
No wonder I'm feeling like I need today to recover from the weekend.
Holy smokes! I would be giving Aaron a thrashing after that... I'm glad you are ok. And more important... you got out BY YOURSELF!
Glad you're okay!!!! That must have been scary!
Bad bee! Just reading all that makes me tired. I'm going home to take a nap. Sorry we were not on board w/ the PP - esp. after seeing your fab pics. *sigh* Thanks for the call, though.
Allergic ... I knew it!
Now I'm going to have Oingo Boingo running through my head all afternoon. But I guess that's appropriate on the day before Halloween!
Have a happy Halloween. Stay away from black cats, Harleys, and bumblebees.
Why did it do that? My name is Kristi, not pjaap.
I think if I took a triple dose of benadryl I would be unconscious for days, you are a strong woman. Glad you didn't die!
A typical Capello weekend :)
(glad you are alright!)
Oh, I love Oingo Boingo...I believe I saw them ON Halloween one year! I'm glad you survived the nasty bee incident (sounds like a good name for a rock group) And the pumpkin patch looked lovely! They've decimated all of ours here...sigh
I feel very close to Oingo Boingo........I saw them in concert, a small bar concert, so said "close feeling" is even closer. Though none of my friends have even heard of them. I am such a loser! But I still remember my night with the Boingos!!!!!
Try to have a safe holiday this halloween!!!! Another adventure just reading you!!!! Glad all is okay!
Nice to know that the man is really there for you in an emergency. How would he have understood you if your tongue had swollen to the size of a basketball?
Stupid bee. I'm so glad you didn't die.
I'm glad you came by the party anyway. Even if you did wuss out on the costume. ;)
(pjaap- thanks for coming too.)
holy crap - i've done the triple dose of benadryl before... while it's an iron-clad reason to be permitted a nap, i wish you hadn't been stung in the first place. i'm glad anaphylaxis didn't set in!
maybe you should tie the epipen to...um, i dunno what.
if you think of a good place to tie your epipen so you never have to search for it, let me know and i'll do that too. :)
It's always such a relief to not be dead.
I love the cursed bats too! I got out a bunch of decorations that Max made last year and then have absolutely neglected to hang them up.
I'm so glad you got out and about and in spite of the bee had some fun too!
I heard you got stung by a bee, but I didn't know you were allergic! I can't believe you even made it to the party at all! With that much Benadryl, I would have been out for a good long time. I'm glad the Benadryl worked though -- scary!
That bat is really cool!
Cool bats.....and happy too hear that you're ok and didn't die!
Your near death experiance made me giggle. :) I am glad you were able to save yourself with Benadryl. I enjoy your blog so much... I would have missed you.
Holy cow....Im glad you survived to live another day. Darned bees! Love those bats!!!! Too bad its already Halloween and I have no more energy for scary types of things. On to being thankful right?
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