One month ago today I broke my foot. Stupid foot.
I'm really surprised at how much the damn thing still hurts. When I went to the specialist, they took me off my mind-altering drugs and told me to take copious amounts of Advil.
About a week ago I decided to start taking a smaller amount because:
A. I thought it didn't hurt that bad
B. I'm a bad ass and can handle the pain
C. I was starting to get a twitch in my eye from the high dosage
But it turned out that I wasn't really all that bad of a bad ass. And I'm taking Advil around the freaking clock.
Which brings me back to my stupid foot.
Four weeks from tomorrow and I get to go back to the doctor. And hopefully I can take the damn boot off.
The doctor said my break may never heal, but it shouldn't be painful and life altering.
I'm ready for it to not be painful and to not be life altering.
I've learned lots of lessons from this whole fiasco (listen to my gut when it says don't go to the park dumbass, slow down, be more attentive to the kids, let Aaron help more around the house..). And one of the lessons I've learned is that the internet is very generous.
Deb had a little give away of some surplus scrapbooking supplies she had...

... and wow! She wasn't kidding. The little tote bag was filled with ribbons, embellishments, mini-albums, stamps, magnets. And...

homemade hot pepper jelly (and it is so pretty!). Thank you Deb!
On the same day I received a get-well gift from the wonderfully talented Amy...

The tote bag is huge and awesome. And it was filled with magazines, note cards, fabric and candy. Thank you so much Amy!
And then this morning I received another package from Lera...

Who made me a bag and matching tissue holder, and sent each boy a drawstring bag filled with colored pencils, notepads and little handheld games (which are beeeeeeeeeping right now). Thank you Lera!
I have been so overwhelmed by everyone's get well wishes and gifts. Really, you all are so generous and thoughtful... thank you!
no giftage from me, just virtual pats on the shoulder ("there, there, that boot isn't so bad...")
honey you have some mighty awesome peeps.
that stuff is fantabulous.
A whole month ay? I hope the next one goes really fast for you and the pain ends.
Now, THAT is a whole lot of goodness! My GAWD that is a lot of presents and NICE ones too! WOW! Double WOW!
I'm so glad that there are nice people in blogworld.
Has it really been a month already (sorry, bet you don't feel that way).
Nice to see that blog world has responded by doing what it does best - kind words and packages of goodness.
Keep on healing.
Has it been a month ALREADY?!? Geesh! And now you have to wait 4 more weeks? (I'll probably have my next sonogram by then, too)
Yeah! It arrived!!
I was thinking of you this morning because I was having a day like yours have been lately. Involving Spenser taking off a poopy diaper and sliding down the carpeted steps on her butt!!!! I wanted to cry!
I can't believe it's been a month either. You've no doubt been counting every second (either that or it felt like one big drug hazed week). Have you had ANY fun with that big Dominatrix boot?
Glad you liked and and glad others have joined in in the Laura love.
"And we'll dress like Minnie Pearl... just you and me Punk Rock girl!!!"
Muchas Gracias for the Dead Milkmen moment..
There you go again..Rockin' Rollin' and Rulin' one one foot or two..
lovely gifts too.. ;)
So now that your meds have been downgraded, does that mean we dont get those glazed eye posts anymore??? No seriously, it must mean that you are healing well. Continued speedy recovery!!!
I also hope your break isn't painful or life altering... some drs just have the worst bedside manner. All the people that sent you things were very generous! Look at all those goodies.
well dahling - I ordered you theeeee perfect thing - only to have it b on backorder. damn people. trust me - you'll heart it.
4 more weeks. hooray!
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