(Please do not sue me. I love you. And I'm sure somehow over the past few years I've driven up your sales. )
::heart thumping::
And then Lego said they wouldn't sell it to me. Damn it!
So then I decided to download the instructions so I could build it with what we have around the house.
Well, they wouldn't give that to me either.
So I called them.
And acted really nice.
And they said they'd email me the instructions -- SCORE!
Of course, while he was looking into doing that, I did a search for their advent calendars this year. So far, I've only seen the City calendar and we've been doing that one for about five years now. Between the jewel thief and the crazy fire chief who like to saw everything, I'm kinda burnt out on the City advent calendar.
And my search resulted in this:

Oh HELLS YEAH, a Castle advent calendar. Which contains...


I think she's my new hero. Can I be her for Halloween? And...

She looks like me when a mouse sneaked into my house!
So I asked the Lego guy how come this advent calendar isn't for sale. You know what he said? "Oh, ma'am, that's only available to the grown-up club."
You know what that nice man did? HE LET ME BUY ONE.
So... now I'm all sure you all are more than excited for December first to come, as THIS YEAR I'll be documenting the Lego Castle Advent Calendar! Whee!
oh, man - you crack me up. I'm just imagining this whole phone conversation. Congratulations on joining the adult club. It's a pretty cool new advent kit too - looking forward to more wacky tales from you this holiday season. ;)
Girl- he should have made you the honorary president of the Grown Up Lego Club... or the mascot or something.
But with that Advent Calendar I have to say... This December we will all have something to celebrate!
And here I go into the store buying video games acting all sheepish all the time. 35 years and playing Wii. Shame shame.... I really want to save up my money for... either Lego Star Wars or Lego Indiana Jones for the Wii.
I'm a geek!
no fair! i want that advent calendar! i had no idea there was an adult club...
that said, i do have a playmobil one, and i'm looking forward to seeing all the boxes open on yours (with commentary).
I'm LMAO about your excitement of all things LEGO! It sounds like you're in heaven.
Awesome! hahaha... I'm all about kickin' advent calendars! There are some GREAT ones here in Germany. I'm all about Playmobile ones this year! :) I don't know if they will be more for me, or the kidlets. I freaked OUT everytime my 4 year old took hers apart from last year. "NO! Put her hair back on!" and "HEY! Why did you take the flowers off?" I had to take it away. How crappy am I? Aren't toys for playing with? uh, no, not in my world!
So when is the first meeting of the Kansas chapeter of the Grown Up Lego club, oh grand poobah? I'd like to be a charter member.
The grown up lego club?? That explains the cleavage at least. That is a great advent calendar though.
If you start a chapter of the grown up Lego club can I please, please come?
That rocks! I too saw the Castle calendar and was bummed that they didn't sell it on the US Lego site.
I adore you and cannot wait for the advent fun to begin!!
The witch with the magic flying out of her wand is awesome.
Grown Up Lego Club. Total crack-up. I'm my son will want to be a member! Digging the turkey! And the pumpkin. I wonder if I can get my son to make them . . .
I wonder why they're so secretive about the adult Lego club. Are they rich and powerful? Or just geeky and bad at publicity?
That is the most exciting advent calendar I've ever seen!
A grown up lego club. How does my brother not know about it? I can't wait to hear the daily countdown.
WHA?!? Special Lego clubs?? I have their catalog on my kitchen table (with giant circles of pen and big "E"'s and "J"'s scrawled across every other item signifying who wants what) and saw the advent calendar. I was planning on getting one just for the little guys, which, as we know, is what Legos are really all about: the tiny little men.
Oh my goodness. I want one! Despite all my best efforts my son hasn't developed an interest in Lego... yet. I'm not giving up.
I live two miles from Legoland. I'm pretty sure they have some kind of adult Lego party thingy that you would be all over like flys on a pile. . .
Hilarious blog.
You crack me up. Always.
Also, how did you get the three columns on your blog. I want to do that too! :)
I saw this and immediately thought of you... hope you have radiators in your house! :)
please, oh please, oh pretty, pretty please, may I have the directions for that turkey??!! Lego rocks. My boys have informed me that eight nights of Lego would be perfect for hanukkah this year.
My email, if you would grace me with the almighty turkey directions, is akhyam at that yahoo place!
...and then I remembered one of the boys' favorite sites. He has Lego directions for everything! you can find some great directions here.
p.s. I love your blog. really love it.
OH man...I can hardly wait!! Did you join the club?
i want the giant rat
ill trade you ... call the nice man, chat him up again :-D
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