And no, it's not because my baby was going to first grade. Hell, I was the mom giving high-fives to other parents in the hallway and was pumping my fists in the air.
I didn't have a great day because our school is ran by a bunch of rude fucking idiots and basically, I'm fucking tired of it.
And really, what should I expect after my shitty experience last year? Why am I so damn surprised?
The saving grace is that I really, really like his teacher. Love his teacher. She's awesome, she understands the allergies, no problem.
No, my issues lie with the principal and in his staff, like the teacher (who had no name tag on) took it upon herself to yell at me for parking somewhere I shouldn't have. Okay, I understand letting me know I shouldn't have parked there but yelling at me? Continuously? After I apologized? After I said I wasn't aware? Continuously yelling? Uncalled for and unnecessary. It's shit like that that starts the whole damn year off on the wrong foot.
And then? Having the nurse call me and lecture me for not wanting Griffin to sit at the Peanut Free Table. Seriously? We've gone over this for over a year. I don't mind re-explaining allergies, I want you to understand but to actually call my intelligence into question and tell me I'm not doing what's best for my son? You have got to be fucking kidding me.
I have been wanting to switch Griffin into a different elementary school in our district for over a year. I keep hoping that they get it and manage to at least be civil. Aaron's finally to the point that he's ready to switch as well. He was the voice of giving it a year, of holding on, educating them.
But because of his teacher, because of my stupid faith in wanting to Get Along and Do My Best I'm trying to hold on, trying to not take it personally, trying to work with this forsaken bunch of idiots because I like Griffin's teacher and he loves it there. He has friends, he knows his extracurricular teachers, he likes it there. I don't want to uproot him and switch him somewhere else because it would be easier for me, even though it may potentially be better for him.
No one told me being a parent was going to be so damn political.
Sorry you're having to deal with this. Sounds like a bad principal, setting a bad tone for the rest of the staff. I hope you can just deal with his teacher from now on.
Stay positive, sis.
Maybe it will rub off on them!
Just start kicking people.
Political like nothing ever before or since. Well, community sports are pretty damn political too but we'll save that for another day.
I'm with Skye.
You may want to research the different school and see who his teacher may be.......she may be just as good and it would be easier to switch now rather than after he gets attached to friends....I hope it works out....have you talked to the superintendant?
Here's what I'm going to suggest:
1) There are a ton of great schools within the district. Start looking, start having discussions. Griffin's teacher isn't the only awesome one in the district.
2) Call Mr. Frick.
3) Ask the allergist to draft yet another letter explaining why it's safe for Griffin to eat at a regular table.
Good luck. We love our school (and it' not that far from you).
That sucks. Politics at school, sports, even on the playground ...
Skye might be onto something.
My proposal is garnering popular support...
That sounds rough! I am hoping to skate through schools without conflict for the sake of my child cause Lord knows if someone there pisses me off I will be launching the missiles.
I change my vote to missiles.
Or maybe August is for kicking, and September is for missiles.
Gotta love schools - NOT! I can hardly wait until I'm finished with them.
Yeah, if I had known how political it was going to be, i would have run for president instead of having a kid. Jesus.
So true.
My first instinct was to slap them silly, but since that would not go over well, just keep riding them. Stay strong and do what you think is right for your son. If need be have the Dr send a letter to the nurse and the principal outlining his allergies and what steps need to be taken. Good luck!!
It was shit like this that caused me to yank my daughter out in 4th grade and home school her. She went back in 5th grade doing middle school work and reading at a college level. If she hadn't missed her friends so much and begged, I'd have kept her out completely. Found you via Mindy who said you're a hoot. I have to agree with her!
Oh.. and that yelling bitch? I'd have decked her. Would not have been able to stop myself.
It should NOT be like that!!! Don't they remember - they work for YOU! Don't stop - keep fighting - become the thorn in their side. As sad as it is, those are the parents who seem to get what they need. You could also get yourself a parent advocate and take him / her with you to all meetings. Legally, I think they have to do what you want them to since it is a health issue. Good luck!
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