I got Griffin's head cold.
He got it from his teacher.
Aaron's coming home today. I haven't mentioned it (because my very good friends are always concerned when I public announce my husband is out of town and I can respect that concern), but holy shit, it's been rough.
He left May 4th and is coming home today. And if he doesn't come home today there's gonna be some serious ass-kicking going on in this house.
Normally when he travels, we get to talk a bit, but this particular client is quite the pesky one, and he's been having to converse a lot to people in Germany and his weekends have been busy and I don't care what he says, him putting the kids to bed one night while I'm at the chiropractor is not the same as me dealing with him being gone for three damn weeks.
Totally not the same.
And he's gonna get to have a taste of that medicine when I go to San Francisco this summer for five days. (Which, let's be honest, I'll spend that whole time crying and calling to make certain my children are still alive every 10 minutes. I'm already teary-eyed at the notion.) (Mother Hen complex, I have.)
(Why yes, yes we have been watching Star Wars movies back to back the past few days with the colds, how can you tell?)
Oh, and speaking of ass-kicking, Tuckie has been a shithead with his birthday present.

I got him this floating turtle dock thing. Instead of climbing on it like a good little turtle, he likes to wedge himself between the dock and the side of his habitat and pop the suction cups out of place.
Lo, shithead.
Now, if you'll excuse me. I need to go open a new box of tissues.
Oh Tuckie. He's a trouble maker. Tell him I said yo. And to the kids and to you. Wish I was there, I'd come help you out.
Girl. It's been a long trip. Someone owes you more than a night to the chiropractor's office. Seriously. And I was proud of you for keeping that business trip private...
I'm glad he's finally getting his butt home. He definitely owes you some R&R for this one. And the trip will be marvelous.
I just got home from getting a strep test. It's negative, so it looks like I have a virus too. Damned Universe.
Did you know that today is National Turtle Day? I'm not making it up.
My Zelda sleeps with her back wedged in the dock frame and her belly against the wall. First, she has to get the two bottom suction cups off the wall. When I stick them back to the wall she gets mad and it has taken her up to a half hour to unstick them! It's funny as hell. Don't worry if he's just curious. He's probably trying to figure out how to sleep in it and get the suction cups off the tank! Thanks to Renee, I can wish you a Happy Turtle Day! Hugs!
That is far too long for Aaron to be away, and not be able to call more. I'm happy he'll be home...I'm also excited about the prospect of San Francisco! I love it out there, and have a friend that lives close (whom I've been meaning to visit)
So, is Tuckie not using his B-Day present kind of like when a kid plays with the box instead of the present?
I hope you feel better soon...
The first day you're in SF you'll miss them, call every three hours, realize that- hot damn- they can, in fact, survive without you and you can survive without them! I left my kids to go to Vegas with friends in January. It was the first time I'd ever been gone for more than a night. It was teh awesome and, after the way my day has gone, I'd hop a flight to effing Dodge City if it meant time away from my husband and children.
Jiggle Jams is this weekend. You should make the hubby take the kids while you stay home and enjoy the quiet.
oh, he owes you big. BIG.
That is a looong trip. Ugh.
San Francisco sounds awesome! When I went to California by myself last year, I cried on the way there, but I was fine the rest of the trip. Enjoy it!
No husband & a rouge churtle?
How do you do it? Xxx
turtle get it right!
mama - you'll be bawling your way to SF and back. but its ok. i'm sure you'd feel bad if you didn't!!!
hope you are feeling a bit better sweetie! and men NEVER get how hard it is when they are in town, much less out of town!
Bah! I think spring colds are worse than winter. Hope it goes away soon. And 3 weeks?! Yes, I agree, he owes you more than one night.
What are you going to SF for? Is there a Blogher event going on there?
So I answered my own question by looking at the Blogher ad on my own blog. I'm brilliant!
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