Okay. I'm kidding. Kinda.
We didn't do much this weekend (although, I have enjoyed hearing about everyone else's fantastical weekends), just a little yard work and a lot of staring at each other.
Oh yeah. We know how to par-tay.
So... yeah. That's it. I'm living the super-exciting life right now, let me tell ya.
That is the reason I had children as well, gotta break 'em in young! Actually, they look so darn cute working away, and those sunglasses!!!!
dude, are you guys not allergic to leaves?
sounds like our weekend... but that's okay.
Well...I hope you're feeling better at any rate. I have no idea what those flowers are, but I had them in my yard at one point too...I'm with Aaron, I think they're prudy...
Do they do dishes too??
Those are comfrey flowers. The plant is very useful:
Put some leaves directly in compost pile to boost the nutrition levels of your compost.
Soak the leaves in water to make a compost tea to feed directly to your plants to give them a boost.
Harvest and dry the leaves and roots to use for herbal tea baths which will soften your skin and help it to heal more quickly.
Use the bruised leaves as a poultice for sprained muscles. (My mom actually did this for my cousin who sprained his ankle while visiting years ago and it took the swelling and redness down really quickly!)
It used to be used as a drinking tea as well but someone died from drinking too much of it a bunch of years ago and so now no one recommends using it internally but unless your skin is allergic (a serious concern in your family) it is wonderful and healing for skin.
As an herb it's fabulous, as an ornamental? Not so much.
Your peonies are gorgeous!
your life sounds just about dandy :) enjoy the sun, and the quiet times.
your kids are too cute.
How is it you got your children to do that and it didn't degenerate into a leaf throwing fight? So jealous. I pay my kids a penny for every stick the pick up in the yard. Alas, I've never had to pay them (combined) more than a dollar.
You didn't go to the party that was Jiggle Jam?
at least they're getting some sun and fresh air! love the garden.....the peony is gorgeous!
I was going to drop by and give you the comfrey heads up, but Angelina beat me to it.
I like child labourers - I figure they are closer to the ground anyway so they may as well do the bending down jobs!
that's why I had kids too - but they Grow Up and Move Away! get all the work you can out of them before they do that! love the eye-wear!
Your very lucky I couldn't even get my family to water for me on my birthday. I am thinking of starting a compost pile, sounds like a jolly good time don't it?
OMG Dars glasses are frakin adorable, I guess I am biased tho cause he loves me. :)
I'm glad you had great weather so you could get some yard work done. Our meteorologist missed it big time and I wasn't able to get shit done that I had plan. Gorgeous peonies! They are my favorite flower. I have a peony tree that blooms super early so they are already gone. I keep telling myself to get more varieties so I can enjoy them longer. One of the days. That is if it can stop raining long enough!
wooo! slow down lady! my head's just a-spinnin'. and i'm all up for child labour, i plan on having a whole brood so i get more done round here (and i'm not going to feed one of them so he's small enough to send up the chimney)
who needs excitement when you have helpers who are that cute, and peonies that are that gorgeous??????
good job with the helpin' kids... and I have peonies-envy.
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