"Uh... yes, Mommy?"
"What Mommy?"
"Who squeezed my shaving cream all over the tub?!"
And that, my dear friends, is when my children lied to me and got sent to the corner for a time out for lying. Because I thought the shaving cream was funny.
On a side note, who knew taking pictures of a tub was so damn difficult? If I used a flash it the glare was horrible, if I didn't it was blurry and if I raised the ISO it's grainy and turned the tub orange.
On another side note, how awesome would it be to have an orange tub?
Boys. Shaving Cream. Time out. Orange tubs. Yep, it's a good un'.
I had a friend once that had all pink stuff in the bathroom WITH all the original tile to boot (she hated it, I swooned!) An orange tub would certainly set off the shaving cream art much better....
It would be like a Dr. Seuss tub.
Ah! They've still yet to learn that lying about something gets you in worse trouble than if you just admit to it. I don't have an orange tub but I do have peach and blue tiles and peach painted walls, and peach tiles on the floor. Believe me - you get tired of it.
Quite an arty photo I think!
And an orange bath tub? Yes please!
My parents had a bright yellow bath in the late 1970's. My Mother always said it would come back into fashion. Personally, I think I'll leave mine white.
oh-oh, here comes trouble.
they'd be gettin' more of a time out from me! goodness knows, they'd be in bed for a week with no supper. With them not eating it'll cover the cost of replacing the can of shaving cream. HA!
I'm kidding of course. I only threaten the kids I watch to put them on the porch till their parents come back to get them. It woulda been a cold night.
Only if the walls were aqua I'd get an orange tub!
When I first saw the picture I thought it was a really cool piece of art.
At our house the kids are rewarded with honesty (usually) by not going in time out. There's a consequence (in this case it would've been cleaning the tub) but I'm much nicer about it. When they lie, Mama puts on her angry face, uses her loud voice and becomes unpleasant. There is a time out AND they would've cleaned the tub. I'm hoping that this will work in my favor as they get older and they'll tell me the truth because they know the consequences won't be as severe. A mother can dream, can't she?
Oh we have this with bubble bath. Somehow 24 oz. will disappear in one bath time. It's a mystery.
(and check your white balance button. If you change the white balance you can control your color. But the orange is cool too.)
I like the orange tub. I once had an apartment with coral-colored appliances, but alas, they'd already swapped out the colored tub and toilet for white ones. After the 1970s harvest gold and avocado green went out of style, I think manufacturers decided to stick with boring colors for their bathroom fixtures.
But yeah, I'd enjoy an orange tub.
Wow, I would completely DIG an orange tub!
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