That said, here's some pictures of the status of the garden now...

And for another project...

Okay, yes. It needs to be ironed again.
I started this pillow top in.... December? January? I dunno. SOMETIME WHEN IT WAS FREEZING. Anyway, I completed it in.... March? April? I dunno, SOMETIME WHEN I BECAME OVERWHELMED AND PUT IT ASIDE. So, yes. I need to iron it. And sandwich it.
But I need you to decide how to quilt it -- by machine or by hand?
By machine. Your last pillow was by hand and I had to wait MONTHS to see it finished. So, please, for your blog readers, quilt this sucker by machine. And then when you done send it to me.
Ok. by machine= faster
by hand= you could work on it outside.
If the weather stays like this I am going to have a hard time doing anything in the house.
do it on the machine, i agree. but do it blindfold (for added fun!)
mmmhhh, machine sounds faster (but really, i've never quilted. so what do i know?)
Machine...that way we'll be able to enjoy it faster...but do a fancier stitch than just a straight one...get your zig-zag on.
I totally need to plant some of those super-hero seeds you got going there...Is that an heirloom variety by chance?
Machine. It may actually get done before you give up on it that way.
what lens did you use for that water on the leaf photo? Great!
Machine = an hour or so.
By hand = 6 months or so.
You need to ask this after that last pillow?? Machine, machine, MACHINE! (still grumbling about my giant quilt)
I like the garden photos -- no complaints here. :)
by hand - that way you can enjoy the garden too!
well, how fast do you want it quilted? ;)
Tough question. I love to hand quilt - but it takes me forever to finish something, then it becomes more like a job. Machine is faster, but not quite as charming.
how cool there are little boys with even cooler glasses growing in your garden! :D
Machine quilt!! Oh yes!! have the time for hand quilting??!!
Definitely by machine. Its way faster and easier. Did that purple iris come from Louisville by chance?
I know nothing about quilting but I'll put in my vote for machine anyway. And no need to apologize for the garden photos as I'm enjoying them. You have a real knack for photography.
soooo you are growing flowers and cute blonde boys in your garden these days? by machine.
by machine. It'll be sturdier... you don't want your beautiful work destroyed at the first pillow fight, right?
(what? your children don't have pillow fights?... geesh..)
That photo of your 'superhero' reminds me of the time I bought No 2 a wetsuit - the sea water is freezing in England - and he insisted on wearing home. All the way through town he walked with a wetsuit, socks and trainer.
It was something else, I tell you.
I have no credibility when it comes to sewing issues, but I vote machine. Nice garden shots!
By machine...if it was winter, I'd say hand quilting might keep you out of trouble, but you need to get back out to that garden! Love the red and white!!!
oh, lord. by machine.
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