Tuesday.... today I made the boys a "special breakfast" (gluten-free french toast sticks) + got Griffin to school + worked, worked, worked + did two loads of laundry + ran two loads of dishes + waited for over half an hour for Griffin's field trip bus to return to school + took a pencil away from a boy who nearly stabbed Darwin in his blind eye + explained to the mother that
no, it's not his right to wave a pencil around + yelled at an old lady to stop inches from hitting my van + moved my van so she wouldn't hit it + missed my conference call because of that damn bus + went to Whole Foods + nearly got ran over in the parking lot + came home + made myself a stiff drink

+ went in the backyard while the boys played + looked at my favorite flowering bush + wondered what its name is + looked at all the gardening projects I have to do + took the boys to the front yard + watched them on the scooters and play with chalk while I finished trimming the front yard rose buses

+ cleaned up all the mess + currently in the process of making dinner (roast chicken breast, french fries, mixed veggies and salad) + contemplating if I should take the boys on a walk again tonight like I did
last night.
Hey busy lady! At least your kid didn't poop on your rug. Ahem.
What a day! You deserve your stiff drink.
wow! crazy busy.
juddi viburnum. must I tell you every year?! ;)
Viburnum - the most heavenly smell on the planet.
I didn't know what it was either. Sigh. Sounds like a good, busy day.
WOW one busy lady...
do you ever catch a break? you are an amazing woman.
I'm so glad you didn't get hit twice in one day by a car.
Whew, that's a busy day.
Sounds like a helova day. You deserve that drink. Mabye even a double...
Beautiful plant!
After reading that post, I'm contemplating on mixing myself a drink (and I'm at work...then again...)
Keep up the good work, you'll earn that cape and lycra SuperCapello costume in no time (what are your super hero powers going to be?)
I have that plant and I thought it was Delphinim.....or something like that. I'll have to look at what your other readers said it was and look it up to see if that's my plant.
Did you explain it to her with visual aids, as in, while shoving the pencil into her personal eye space to drive the point home? So to speak?
Dude, you have so completely put me to shame that I may never recover from it. Seriously.
Is there a rock around here I can hit my head with?
Will you stop it already?
Haha, sounds like my world. Except I had baby poo on a pillow to round out my night and no stiff drink.
Dang, I needed a stiff drink after reading that exhausting day.
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